Team Member
Robbi Mermel Nierenberg
High Performance Coach
When I write my autobiography, it will be titled “Return to Play: Simple, Deep and Profound” because that’s my life’s work. I bring a spirit of playfulness and curiosity to my work with high-performing achievers who are so busy doing that they forget how to really live and have fun. My clients have achieved a lot but they delay celebrating their wins because they’re so used to shifting the goal post. And that gets in their way of achieving what they truly desire.
As a former collegiate athlete, I know peak performance is a mind game – that mental fitness, even more than physical fitness, limits our potential. And that’s where I excel – identifying the cracks in the foundation so your game can take off – be it the game of business, sports, relationships, or life itself.I consider myself a student of life, put unwavering trust in my spidey sense, and care about walking the talk as a human and coach.
Right now I live in Steamboat Springs, CO with my husband whom I met on a chairlift! And I’m thrilled to say that my life is a word-for-word manifestation of what I’d once envisioned – that’s the power of possibility and aligned action.
Fun fact:
I’ve turned passions into careers all my life, like: teaching/playing sports with child actors working on TV shows in LA; being a producer for travel stories aired on the Today show and CNN travel; creating a nutrition program that included certifying chiropractors in my program; writing a nutrition booklet, developing an energy bar; and now peak-performance/mental fitness coaching
On my bucket list:
I regularly knock these off my list and add new ones. Currently on my list: A hut to hut hiking tour in Switzerland; Recreating a trip through Alaska my husband did in his 20s with his parents and siblings and taking our grown children; and living on a yacht with friends in the Mediterranean
Wise words:
- I work with super humans, to remind them that they are humans, who have super powers.
- Our answers come from when we get quiet.
- The game is not over just because you missed the shot.
- You can’t learn balance by watching YouTube Videos. Get on the bike.
- When skiing in the woods, if you don’t want to hit the trees, don’t look at them, look past them.
- We learned to walk by falling. It was getting back up the strengthened our muscles enough to learn to walk.
- BS Telecommunication, University of Florida
- 20+ years experience delivering transformational experiences, designing and leading programs as well as mentoring and developing coaches seeking certification
- PQ Firekeeper leading PQ Mastery
- Associate Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation
- PQ Certified Coach
- Leadership: conscious leadership, team building, growth mindset
- Mental Fitness/Positive Intelligence Staff training Mastery program
- Facilitator, Trainer
- Entrepreneurial and created several successful businesses
- Elite athlete, as a mindset
Client Testimonials

Working with Robbi Mermel Nierenberg has been one of those life-changing opportunities one usually only hears about from others! I was frustrated with my continuous attempts to make changes with a few of my relationships, when my daughter, also a Coach, suggested I work with Robbi. From the first session to my last, her ability to understand and guide me to make significant shifts in my perception and actions began. They continued and what is growing is my new "muscle" of recognizing that I am able to change my lens when necessary, and most important, I believe, is my ability to understand that others have their own lens. I tell Robbi she is an "old soul" who understands so much, despite not having had such experiences herself. Anecdotally, even my long term Psychotherapist has noticed that with Coaching, the view I have had of things that hurt for so long, have been put into a place of understanding and moving past. WOW! is her response after just a few short months!
I am 63 years old and I have been through a number of growth programs. Personal, business & Spiritual growth programs and classes and have read endless books on all subjects. My time with Robbi has been and was one of the most productive times I have had. It has been like no other program I have gone through, with tools that I continue to use on a daily basis. Robbi has the ability to guide you, ask questions of you so you can find the answers yourself. She encourages you where you have existing strength and productivity.
I was very skeptical that coaching could make a difference in my life. But Robbi has made a monstrous difference. She has armed me with tools that allow me to build empathy faster, explore options instead of fight for a point of view, innovate through collaboration, see the bigger picture, and act with laser focus, and then her coaching nudges me to apply these new skills daily. I am significantly more powerful than I was a year ago, and that shines through in all aspects of my life.