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Ready to go from permission seeker to power house?

Expert 1:1 coaching for your biggest breakthroughs in life and business

Ready to go from permission seeker to power house

How It Works

Apply to Work with Us

This is where you tell us about your goals and vision.

Get Matched with The Right Coach

On this 45-min call, you'll get clarity on your next steps.

Take Ownership of Your Prosperity and Purpose

Spoiler alert: the next 6-12 months are going to be magical!

Our Clients Work At

Catherine Wood

Oh yes you are

Capable of ALL things

  • Build a wildly successful business that plays well with your personality, energetic capacity, and vision
  • Bake pleasure and rest into your days without feeling like you need to “earn” it
  • Confidently say no to things that don't serve you anymore - a business model, that signature offer, a job that once felt dreamy, your industry…you name it
  • Charge more - you deserve it. You can be wealthy beyond measure while honoring your integrity and values
  • Rely on your emotions and intuition as guiding forces - without feeling overwhelmed
  • Fail forward and bounce back from rejections without triggering the imposter monster
  • Take action on your “pinch me” dreams without those ricocheting 2 AM thoughts keeping you awake and indecisive
  • Create systems for your business that are great for your nervous system and your clients
  • Be the leader you wish to see in the world
  • Evolve in your personal relationships with win-win outcomes

We believe in your greatness. Here's why:

Your world opens up when you come from a foundation of self-trust, integrity, and personal responsibility for your authentic truth

Catherine Wood

That’s where we come in

Simply put? Coaching helps you uncover what you really want, and then figure out how to get there - on your terms.

And with us, coaching isn’t about one-size-fits-all guidance.

We take empowerment and self-efficacy seriously around these parts - and yes finding your stride can be a slow burn.

But on the other side?

That’s you building your legacy and living a more fulfilling, self-aware life because you trust yourself to make the right decisions every time.

Happy Clients

Working with Cat has, without a doubt, changed my life. During a year and a half of 1-on-1 coaching with Cat, I significantly increased my income, re-aligned my professional interests in public service, published my first book, have more free time, fully...

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Cat is an incredible coach (and I have had a number of coaches)! She is warm, insightful, and loving as hell. I know I can bring my deepest vulnerabilities, and they’ll be met with care. At the same time, she can nudge when needed to help me step into...

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Catherine is one of the most amazing people I have ever met and worked with. She is the life coach who lets you know and believe that anything is possible. I worked with Catherine after quitting my job as a white-collar trial litigator. My goal was to...

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I had such a positive experience while working with Catherine Wood as my life coach and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to take this step in their life. What I love about Catherine is she is not afraid to ask pointed questions that...

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When I decided to hire a coach, I talked to 5 different coaches but then came upon one—Catherine Wood—who really challenged me with the things she said, the questions she asked, and the way she was. Our first conversation gave me a strong belief that...

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I interviewed 3 different life coaches and when I met with Cat, I knew she was the one. I felt like I could actually connect with her and that she would hold me accountable to the changes that I wanted to make in my life and were resisting. Working with...

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Catherine continuously impressed me with her insights and wisdom as she helped me to shift my perspectives and challenged me to truly align my actions with my goals. Although patient and kind, she is also a firm coach who wasn't afraid to call her...

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Cat was (and is) a powerful partner that guided me to see how I was stopping myself from reaching my goals and dreams. Her style of coaching is not hand-holding or cheerleading, it's empowering. She challenged me with her words and questions all while...

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It's been, exactly, two years since I started working officially with Cat. And I say officially because before that, Cat supported me to make a decision to actually start pursuing my dreams as a Meditator Guide, Become a Coach myself, and a Speaker about...

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Catherine has been a true gift in my life as a coach. When I started working with her, I was deeply unhappy with my career and it was dragging the rest of my life down. She recognized that I needed to do some inner work before I would be ready to truly...

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Working with Catherine (one-on-one and as part of a group she runs for women) made me realize that for all my apparent self-confidence, I was fundamentally lacking confidence and trust in myself, and it was holding me back from pursuing my dreams. For my...

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Working with Cat was a wonderful, interesting, fulfilling and enlightening experience. At 64 years of age, I was hesitant at first to work with a younger coach, but Cat's expertise was evident in our first conversation, and I never questioned that...

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I first came to Cat to help me find my way out of a bad career experience/boss and ended up gaining so much more. We worked together over two different group coaching sessions. Not only did I eventually find a new job and was able to tackle my interviews...

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I had never worked with a coach before, so I had no idea what to expect. I was looking for someone to tell me what to do so I could be confident in my path. What I found with Catherine was a partner in discovering what I truly want for my life. She...

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Over the past year, I've worked with Cat in two small groups. Coming into the coaching experience, I was looking for clarity of career and purpose. Coaching did help me figure out some of those things, but more than that I learned to accept...

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I highly recommend Catherine as a coach and encourage anyone that’s not living a life they love to speak with her.I started working with Cat during the summer of 2015 because I had noticed that I wasn’t very comfortable asking people for things. In...

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Choose Your Adventure

Founder Catherine Wood partners with ambitious empaths who want to scale their business and skyrocket their prosperity and purpose while reframing that joy and success demands self-sacrifice

Quantum leaps for ambitious business owners with Catherine Wood

Her approach is gentle, candid, and empowering - she guides you to come home to yourself, defend your boundaries, and make those power moves from a place of groundedness.

With her, you’ll discover how to invite holistic success into your life by challenging your inner ceilings, leaning into your intuition, and owning your self-worth and self-efficacy.

There are two options to work privately with Catherine: Unbounded Intensive (a half-day deep dive) and Unbounded Experience (an ongoing 1:1 partnership).

Catherine Wood

“I feel like my biggest leaps have been through my work with Cat.”

Through my work with Cat (in the Unbounded mastermind and 1:1 coaching), I was able to launch two dream businesses: my jewelry business and my brand strategy business.

I feel the impact of our work in pretty much every area of my business, life, and...

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Martha Cristina Garza

“With Cat, I’ve learned about the gift of not being given direct answers. She holds up a mirror and shares her perspective instead - what she sees for me.”

Working with Cat made me realize that there are ways to work 15 hours a week and have the money and impact you desire - my income has grown 40%. So now I do exactly that - and the rest of the time I’m living, reading, relaxing, traveling...

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Craig Cassey

“She gives you ownership of your decisions, which I find so empowering”

She’s very gentle about her approach and doesn’t just give you the answer - even though that would probably be the easiest thing to do for her.

She lets you come to your own conclusion in your own time and gives you ownership of your decisions,...

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Kerilynn Vigneau

Choose Your Adventure

Radical truth telling in a safe space

Radical truth telling in a safe space

You can only change what you acknowledge. This core belief drives us to create a culture of authentic self-expression and emotional safety so our clients can speak their truth, feel connected to their intuition and purpose, and forge their own path of sustainable growth and freedom.

Leading with joy and possibility

Leading with joy and possibility

The work we do here? It’s real, vulnerable, and heavy at times - but we choose to approach it with levity. In the process, we help you rewire your brain to look at challenges and opportunities from a positive vantage point and adopt a practical approach to overcoming them without brushing things under the rug.

Cultivating self trust with brave action

Cultivating self trust with brave action

You see, self-trust is a muscle. And the more you work at it, the faster it shifts your relationship with fear and gets you closer to everything you’ve always desired. We’ll be here to celebrate every win as you take ownership of your narrative.

Holistic success

Holistic success

When you ask “Can we go there?,” we’ll always say yes. We see you in your whole humanity and all parts of your life, business, and story are welcome here.

Take a stand for your one, wild and precious life and step into the fullest expression of your desires


1. What is coaching and how does it work?

Coaching is a partnership between coach and client that supports the client in continually accessing a deeper understanding of who they are, what they want and what’s in the way. The coaching process supports the client in taking action and being held accountable to living their life in alignment with that additional clarity.

A coach leverages the power of asking compelling and thought provoking questions that helps the client gain consistently more access to their own self-knowing. The coach essentially serves as a thought partner to mirror and reflect back what the client is saying in a way that calls the client forward to take a different approach, response or action.

The process of coaching supports a client in consistently gaining new insights and awareness for themselves both on and off coaching calls, and then creating practices with their coach to help integrate the new aha moments, learnings and awareness into the fabric of their lives. In doing so, coaching is a transformational approach to growth and change, extending far beyond the bounds of what initially draws someone to coaching.

One of the reasons coaching works so effectively is because it consistently empowers the client through helping them gain clarity and direction about what they want. When we become more committed to what we want rather than all the excuses, dramas du jour, and problems around why we don’t, can’t, shouldn’t or are not capable of having it, that’s often where and when the path forward begins to illuminate itself.

2. What happens after I apply?

After you apply, you’ll be invited to hop on a call with our Founder or our Client Relationship Manager to talk about your goals and specific needs.

Based on this conversation, you’ll be matched with the right coach, and we’ll help you schedule a call with them directly to co-create your coaching journey. 

You can also mention if you wish to connect with someone specific in the application form.

3. Can I apply if I don't have a business yet?

Definitely - if starting a business is a goal you can’t stop thinking about, we should talk. 

The fact that you’re here speaks to your willingness to explore what’s truly possible for you. And we’re here to co-create a coaching journey that propels you forward. 

Whether you need help navigating the transition from your 9-to-5 to your business or starting a second business, we’re here happy to connect you with the right coach who can give you clarity and direction to take brave action without spinning your wheels.

4. Can I apply if I'm not an executive or leader yet?

If you desire to be in a leadership role, but unsure how to leverage your strengths to land the position and create a new landscape of leadership, we’re here to help. 

Let’s unearth that je ne sais quoi only you have to create a new model of leadership in your industry.

5. When should I consider hiring a coach?

One of my favorite quotes about change comes from Dr. Michael Beckwith who says “the pain pushes until the vision pulls.” You may consider hiring a coach when you are resolved to change. A coach can certainly support you in developing that sense of resolve as well. You may come to that place of resolve for yourself through getting inspired by a future vision you see for yourself and feel compelled to change, or you may also get fed up with the status quo and feel called to do something different.

More specifically, coaching can be supportive in times of transition, evolution, growth, and change in your business, your career, your life, your well-being, and relationships. Coaching can be helpful if you are:

Launching or scaling a business

Overcoming money blocks so you can charge more for your services and price yourself competitively

Vying for a promotion and wanting to improve your executive presence

Changing jobs, careers or wanting to do so

Desiring to get off the hamster wheel of the achievement epidemic we live in and find peace and fulfillment from a different source

Committed to growing your confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome

Wanting to be in a romantic relationship and recognize you need to be more emotionally open and make some changes

Ready to commit to your health and create a sense of work life balance you can live with

6. What is the significance of possibility in coaching?

Possibility is at the core of what coaching is all about. Webster’s Dictionary defines possibility as, “the state or fact of being likely or possible.” Essentially, if we don’t believe something is possible for us, we will not take sufficient action towards realizing that goal. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Why would you:

Start your own business if you didn’t believe it would be successful?

Double your rates if you didn’t believe you could sell your packages at those prices?

Apply for your supervisor’s role after she’s announced she’s leaving if you didn’t believe you were capable of supervising well?

Be emotionally available while dating if you didn’t believe finding love was possible for you?

In our experience, possibility is the magic of coaching. Coaching helps you deepen your felt sense of what is possible for you. It expands the bounds of what you believe you can accomplish, achieve, declare, actualize, manifest, and call into your life. Your relationship to what you believe is possible grows, elevates and transforms. You naturally become more comfortable taking risks, and leaning into your growth edge. You become less impacted by detours and bumps along the way. And you recognize they’re temporary and don’t mean anything about you and your possibility. You become committed to being and doing what it takes to achieve your goals when you believe your goals are possible. Coaching helps instill that belief in you.

7. What is the investment?

Coaching at Unbounded Potential isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. We honor that you bring your unique lens based on your lived experiences and we’re willing to meet you where you are, always. We will co-create a one-of-a-kind, bespoke transformational journey together.

We bet you already know that stepping into your greatness takes courage, time and patience. Your commitment also needs to match the possibility available, in order to outwin the fear and resistance (not if, but when it shows up). This can look like a commitment of up to one year, and a financial commitment ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 per month. 

Most clients continue past the initial contract because well there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing.

The Prosperous Empath's Edge: The Key Qualities of Givers and Takers in Leadership

Last month, we released a mini series called The Prosperous Empath’s Edge, and we released the first two episodes in a three part mini series all about the key strategies and tactics that distinguish between the Empathpreneurs who succeed in business and the ones who don’t. It was such a joy recording those first two episodes because the lessons feel so familiar and relevant. They’re ones that have been a deep part of my own journey over the past decade in business, and there are themes and topics that come up over and over again in conversations with clients. So in today’s episode, we’re going to round out the third and final part of that mini series by talking about the key qualities that distinguish givers and takers in leadership, in business and in life. For a little context before you listen, I do not believe that givers do business the right way and takers do business in the wrong way. I think that both givers and takers have both positive and limiting aspects of how we operate in business, but as we become more self aware, not only of our own tendencies and our own default habits and ways of engaging in business, but also what to look out for in the people that we typically tend to attract in business and in relationships, we can set ourselves up for creating mutually beneficial relationships. I hope this episode serves as a good starting place for you in doing so!

Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!
