Beyond Measure on your terms, of course
Coaching bold, brilliant, and bighearted leaders and entrepreneurs to skyrocket their prosperity and purpose, while being fully seen and supported.

Trusting the Transition: When the Next Step Feels Uncertain but Right
In my work, I have found that it is particularly hard for empathpreneurs to embrace change, to close their businesses, to open new ones, to chart new courses in their careers, to change directions, to end business partnerships, and more. So I wanted to record this episode on embracing change because I think so many of us are in a period of change right now—which as a heart-centered entrepreneur isn’t always easy because we are emotionally invested and care so deeply. But it’s okay to allow our businesses and ideas to evolve as we do. Listen in to learn how to trust yourself in order to lean into transition with more confidence.
Visit this episode’s show notes page here.
The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Work With Us
Hone your confidence and intuition as a leader and become the CEO of your life and business
1:1 Coaching
Connect with a certified coach who's just right for you and create radical shifts in an intimate container led with empathy and integrity.
With us by your side, you'll cultivate a deeper (and kinder!) relationship with yourself, reclaim your purpose and intuition, and rebuild your confidence - one brave action at a time.
UNBOUNDED Mastermind
Feel seen, supported, and challenged to move past your resistance and take powerful action alongside a thoughtfully curated community of ambitious, brilliant, and big-hearted entrepreneurs.
Here you'll discover how to leverage your intuition, evolve as a leader, and grow your business from a place of confidence, ease, and freedom. The mastermind is also a place for building authentic relationships (with your cohort and alumni) that transform into strategic business partnerships or lifelong friendships with people who get it, you know?
Our Clients Work At

Your inner disruptor and make those power moves in business and life, unapologetically
Ironic isn't it? As high achievers who are smart, kind, and intuitive, we're capable of so much more but our internalized capitalism keeps us exhausted and striving.
Dream with us for a moment - what if it could be different?
Imagine a world where you can be your joyful, badass self all the time - without suppressing your natural tendencies of warmth, intuition, and kindness.
Here, you build and scale your business with plenty of white space on your calendar and lead your team with wisdom and grace. Decision-making is easier because you trust yourself and truly believe in your potential.
In this world, change - big or small - isn't scary because you allow yourself to be supported and ask for what you need.
And look at that - you're blossoming in all your relationships - professional and personal - without resentment or compassion fatigue.
Through my work with Cat (in the Unbounded mastermind and 1:1 coaching), I was able to launch two dream businesses: my jewelry business and my brand strategy business.
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Read The Case Study
Working with Cat made me realize that there are ways to work 15 hours a week and have the money and impact you desire - my income has grown 40%. So now I do exactly that - and the rest of the time I’m living, reading, relaxing, traveling...
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She’s very gentle about her approach and doesn’t just give you the answer - even though that would probably be the easiest thing to do for her.
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Read The Case Study
“I feel like my biggest leaps have been through my work with Cat.”
I feel the impact of our work in pretty much every area of my business, life, and... Martha Cristina Garza
“With Cat, I’ve learned about the gift of not being given direct answers. She holds up a mirror and shares her perspective instead - what she sees for me.”
Craig Cassey
“She gives you ownership of your decisions, which I find so empowering”
She lets you come to your own conclusion in your own time and gives you ownership of your decisions,... Kerilynn Vigneau

Who We Are
Life, leadership, and executive coaches who hold space for your audacious dreams and biggest leaps
Founder Catherine Wood is a Master Certified Coach (only 4% of coaches in the world are MCCs), and as a team we bring 80+ years of coaching experience to the table.
But we're not just about that.
We coach with a whole lotta empathy and vulnerability because we know how it feels to do everything by the book and still feel like you don't belong in your own life.
Catherine discovered coaching (with major skepticism at the outset) at a time when everything looked enviously good on the outside, but out of alignment on the inside.
Working with her own coach guided Catherine back to her truth and helped her create the life and business she always dreamed of.
Now we help our clients become the architects of their own destiny and experience JOY beyond socially defined success markers.
Our Promise
Masterful coaching that transforms how you relate to yourself and helps you reconnect with your desires, your confidence and your joy

Here you're seen and celebrated in your whole humanity: as a trailblazing CEO and an intuitive, big-hearted human who's done living someone else's idea of an ideal life.

Develop self-trust and take ownership of your narrative in a safe space to create holistic success. We believe you're the expert on your life.

Challenge your inner ceilings and shift from dreaming to doing, while being grounded in your truth.

Get the Essential Reading List for Ambitious Empaths
Snag a copy of our favorite confidence-building + intuition-honing business, money mindset, and leadership books to help you embrace a holistic approach to your success. Grab a cup of tea and let’s reverse engineer your life, removing the hustle and grind and replacing it with more joy and leisure.
I recall one of my early training days as a coach back in 2014. We sat in a u-shaped formation with two easels holding large post-it pads, each displaying two ominous words at the top. We were... Navigating the world as a highly sensitive person can often feel overwhelming, and as natural dreamers, it can be easy to talk ourselves out of going after our dreams or allow them to feel out of... On the eve of my birthday next week, I wanted to share some reflections and insights with you.
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