Aug 11, 2022 | Your Business, Your Self
A Cry for Spaciousness
As I wake up this overcast morning in coastal New England to the cries of gulls and the salty taste of the sea breeze in the air, I find myself deeply grateful.
If you follow me on social media, you have likely realized I’ve been mostly absent recently. For someone who is all about consistency, this has been a stark contrast for me.
This is something I talk about with clients often, but I have been in a season of business and life that has required a lot of spaciousness for me. Think white space, free time, and solitude even for reflection, inquiry, and a whole lot of creative expression and manifestation.
I notice we often judge ourselves for changing things up, for holding back, for being willing to pivot or change completely, but time and time again our success follows to the degree that we are willing to innovate and ideate.
And oh my goodness, have we been changing things up over here….
For one, after a decade of living in the Washington DC area, we relocated to the Boston area. Perhaps one day I’ll share more about that transition, but that’s a story for another day.
Within the company, we’re deep in the creative throes of the biggest rebrand and reinvention of our business to date, to the tune of multiple four-figures. We’ll be unveiling lots of exciting changes and new offerings over the next quarter, so stay tuned. The journey has required me to hire more support than I’ve ever allowed myself to have before, and it’s been both wildy uncomfortable and nourishing! I deeply believe that our capacity to be and feel exquisitely supported is one of the greatest mindset hacks to success.
Ahhh, and then there’s the small little detail that I’m also planning my wedding, which is just over two months away. And while my partner and I have been together for nearly 8 years now, own a home, and care for two adorable pups together, there’s something about the commitment of marriage that certainly stirs things up.
In writing down these three big changes, it strikes me that I’m in the midst of one of the biggest transitions of my life.
And while the circumstances and details may look different for folks, I find this to be true for many of us. In this semi-post-pandemic world, we are all in the process of transitioning to and creating a new normal for ourselves.
In doing so, the single permission slip that has most supported that season of change is taking space.
If you’ve been following along for a while, you may recall that I declared spaciousness as my word of the year back in 2019. It’s a theme that is deeply important to me…
And I’ve been noticing with clients more recently, a deep desire for more spaciousness in their lives, both in their mental capacity as well as in their schedules.
I was discussing this insight with my coach earlier this year and she reflected something so powerful for me. She said, “This is why people become workaholics because they don’t want to deal with what they find in the space.”
Her words landed like a lead weight.
What is it that we are afraid of finding “in the space” when we honor our boundaries around our schedule, when we don’t overbook ourselves, when we create white space on purpose, when we take vacations and leave work at home?
Speaking from personal experience, I notice I often avoided spaciousness from a deep seated need to prove my worthiness, to contribute, to be productive, all in order to earn other’s love.
Sadly, this stemmed from a deep void of being able to fully love and nourish myself.
Through the work I’ve done over the past decade around healing, I’ve discovered how to both love myself deeply while also creating immense space for myself. This work goes hand in hand.
It’s work we so deeply need as a collective.
If you find yourself racing this summer, your mind flipping from one To Do to another, your finger scrolling Instagram mindlessly, or your schedule jam-packed for days, consider what are you avoiding finding in the space?
It’s a practice over a perfect, but I assure you the fruits of this conversation are deeply transformational.
The ability to be fully present and take in the beauty all around you.
The capacity to still your mind and connect with your intuition.
The willingness to honor your schedule, both time for work and time for pleasure.
The ability to access the wellspring of dreams and business visions that lie within you.
In my mind, it’s all accessible from a willingness to create space.
Creating spaciousness in your mind and with your time is a gift that keeps on giving.
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Catherine is a Master Certified Coach and bestselling author of Belonging: Overcome Your Inner Critic and Reclaim Your Joy.

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The Four States of Consciousness: How Perspective Shapes Your Reality
I’ve been thinking a lot about a term that I referenced on the last podcast episode (listen in if you haven’t), this idea that we are currently living in a VUCA world—volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous and for empaths in particular, it can be incredibly challenging to feel grounded, centered, and connected with our higher self in this reality. So today on the podcast, I want to share with you a framework grounded in teachings by Michael Beckwith that has fundamentally supported my clients and myself in changing the way we look at things so that the things we look at change—The Four States of Consciousness. My hope is that today’s conversation can provide a little bit more inspiration, peace, self compassion, acceptance and empowerment to support you in changing the way you might be looking currently at the things that are going on in our world.
Visit this episode’s show notes page here.
The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.