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Mar 18, 2021 | Your Business

Your Business Needs This

Have you ever thought about the sexiest quality you admire in your fellow entrepreneurs?

Truly, what is the top attribute or skill that you see in others and you’re like dayummm, she is EVOLVED?!

I imagine if you’re like most humans, your thoughts may wander first to wealth and the income threshold her company has reached. Dreaming of the day your business will pass the half-million mark…

Or perhaps you dream about the team that her company has hired and the crystal-clear scopes of work and delineation of job descriptions. Someday, you think…

Another close contender you may think of is the subtle art of mastering your time. How is her business crushing it and she actually takes that day off for herself every week? And works out every morning? You just don’t see how, as the helplessness sets in…

Whether you see your top struggle in business revolves around growing your wealth, removing yourself from the day-to-day operations of your business and empowering support, or mastering your time and learning to trust and follow through on what you say you will, there is one business breakthrough that makes all the others accessible.

In our experience, this is the calibre of transformation that will scale your business and result in you feeling and showing up differently for your company day in and day out…

Cute Salt-N-Pepa:

Let’s talk about BOUNDARIES

Let’s talk about you and me

Let’s talk about all the good things

And the bad things that may be

Let’s talk about BOUNDARIES!

I’m certain you’ve experienced what we’re talking about here:

The entrepreneur who gracefully starts and ends her calls on time

The entrepreneur who’s online schedule is booked out 4 weeks in advance

The entrepreneur who reliably takes a vacation each quarter

And the entrepreneur you just know consistently has amazing sex because she prioritizes her partner and makes him feel that certain way that you know he just adores her and wants to take care of her every whim.

Here’s the irony of this conversation, you admire these qualities in other entrepreneurs…

You respect that entrepreneur who manages her schedule and phone calls so effortlessly and with so much grace.

You respect that entrepreneur who is booked a month out and you feel lucky to get on her calendar.

You respect that entrepreneur who has such a beautiful life and admire how her personal life is as joyful and successful as is her company.

And you absolutely respect that entrepreneur’s love life because you see how much she believes and deeply knows she’s deserving of being treated like a queen.


…and yet, you feel guilty practicing them personally.

You struggle prioritizing your time and value others’ time over your own.

You struggle truly taking time off because you’re scared your success or client stream will dry up.

You struggle with believing you are deserving of taking time off consistently, vacations, weekends, sick days, you name it.

And you struggle with honoring yourself as much as you honor your clients, your children and partner.


Have you ever thought there may be a reason why you admire certain entrepreneurs? How come you’re jealous of certain colleagues or mentors? Or why you are attracted to specific coaches or consultants?

It’s simple really, they’ve done the inner work that is reflected by their outer world, which you want.

They’ve implemented the business boundaries and support structures required for them to create an experience of having it all in their life.

And they were willing to do so, regardless of whether or not they felt deserving yet.

Many of us are waiting until we believe we’re deserving or worthy to take that day off consistently, to take that dream vacation, to start off each morning with a consistent morning routine, or to schedule in that weekly date night.

What you are waiting for already lies within you.

You are more than enough.

You are deserving enough.

You are good enough.

You are capable enough.

Enough already.

You are enough already.

Here’s my promise to you. Make the lifestyle changes already:

  • Create new boundaries around call times with your clients, employees and colleagues.
  • Limit your availability on your online scheduler to times that truly work for you or better yet, offload your scheduling entirely to your business manager.
  • Schedule in regular time off and vacation time. Design a life that you look forward to other than your business success.
  • Prioritize the people in your life today that you want to be there for you and you for them for the rest of your lives. Make each day count.

If you make the changes now, your beliefs about yourself will catch up with you.

You don’t need to believe you’re deserving to build a life that is deserving of you.

Often taking the first uncomfortable step forward creates the space for your beliefs to catch up.

You truly are enough already.




The UNBOUNDED Mastermind and Group Coaching Signature Program is currently closed for registration, but you can get on the waitlist now to hold your spot.

All potential registrants are interviewed and spots are filled on a first registered and first paid basis. Maximum of 10 participants per cohort.

UNBOUNDED provides for a rich and transformative Mastermind and Group Coaching experience that has many exclusive benefits to participants. Benefits of the program include an invaluable community with lifelong business relationships and partnership opportunities; mindset growth work required to truly grow and scale your business; and a business systems framework to uplevel your experience of becoming the master of your business versus being mastered by it.

Catherine is a Professional Certified Coach and bestselling author of Belonging: Overcome Your Inner Critic and Reclaim Your Joy.


Here’s where you will find out more about the UNBOUNDED Mastermind and hear what past participants have to say.




Get the Essential Reading List for Ambitious Empaths

Snag a copy of our favorite confidence-building + intuition-honing business, money mindset, and leadership books to help you embrace a holistic approach to your success. Grab a cup of tea and let's reverse engineer your life, removing the hustle and grind and replacing it with more joy and leisure.

Navigating Neurodivergence: Energy Hacks for Empaths with Regina Carey

Regina Carey joins me on The Prosperous Empath® this week for a truly heart-centered conversation about neurodivergence and how it is often interconnected with being an empath and/or HSP. Regina is a special ed teacher turned Executive Coach who has spent the last three decades educating, empowering, and advocating for those who feel stuck, yet long to take that next great leap. Recently, she returned from an adventurous trip to Machu Picchu and shares her experience of how saying yes to physical challenges has helped her balance intense emotions as an empath. But something I deeply appreciate about this conversation are Regina’s insights on neurodivergence, especially ADHD, and the importance of managing energy and advocating for oneself. Regina reflects on her upbringing and the influence of the women in her life, emphasizing the need to break patterns of burnout and dis-ease to live authentically. This episode is for anyone who is neurodivergent (or loves someone who is) and is seeking energetic balance in their life. Tune in for actionable steps on thriving more as an ambitious empath.

Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!


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