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Feb 22, 2019 | Your Adventures, Your Relationships

Remember why you do what you do. It's the magic ingredient! (plus an insider's look at our India retreat)

It’s hard to believe that it’s been just over three weeks since returning from India.

One aspect of being abroad for so long that I deeply appreciate is how much travel helps put core values back into perspective.

Some of the topics I’ve been speaking about in these blog posts over the past month, elaborate on a couple of mine, namely joy, play, self-love and community.

One element that I consistently notice about working with high performers and ambitious women is that sometimes we lose sight of why we do what we do. We get so enthralled in the rat race, of do more, earn more, finish more tasks, check off more to-dos, that we forget what it’s all in service of.

For me, travel is a direct path to seeing more clearly the core desired experiences I want to have in life.

Because at the end of the day…

…we don’t want to make more money just to make more money;

…we don’t want the next promotion for promotion’s sake;

…and we don’t want to check one more country off of our bucket list either.

We want those things because of the new experience of life that it will make possible for ourselves…

…whether it’s more wiggle room to give back or donate to your favorite charity;

…whether it’s more time and flexibility to spend with your loved ones;

…or whether it’s a greater opportunity to play on purpose, have more adventures, or expand your sense of community.

This is why we do what we do.

I’d encourage you to journal about it and write down your core desired experiences for yourself, so that next time you get zapped up in the rat race of go, go, go, you have reason to pause and reassess, and make some changes.

I’m excited to share with you the video of our recent transformational retreat to India last month. It’s a really beautiful illustration of some of those core desired experiences that many of our travelers seek.

Watch this short video below to see how transformational the PACK Retreats can be for you too!

Do you find yourself losing sight of why you do what you do? Hit reply and share with me some of your core desires.

Lovingly yours,

P.S. If you hadn’t heard the news, we reopened registration for our Women’s Self-Love retreat to the Dominican Republic in March. We decided there are too many wonderful places to visit and consequently this will be our third and final year visiting the Treehouse Villages in DR. (At least for now. 😉

Registration is open until Feb 24th (this coming Sunday).

P.P.S. Registration closes TODAY for group coaching. So this is your last chance to see if you’re a fit.

P.P.P.S. If you’ve been following along and have been curious to learn more about Unbounded Potential and how I might be able to be of service to you. Let’s talk!

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Snag a copy of our favorite confidence-building + intuition-honing business, money mindset, and leadership books to help you embrace a holistic approach to your success. Grab a cup of tea and let's reverse engineer your life, removing the hustle and grind and replacing it with more joy and leisure.

The Four States of Consciousness: How Perspective Shapes Your Reality

I’ve been thinking a lot about a term that I referenced on the last podcast episode (listen in if you haven’t), this idea that we are currently living in a VUCA world—volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous and for empaths in particular, it can be incredibly challenging to feel grounded, centered, and connected with our higher self in this reality. So today on the podcast, I want to share with you a framework grounded in teachings by Michael Beckwith that has fundamentally supported my clients and myself in changing the way we look at things so that the things we look at change—The Four States of Consciousness. My hope is that today’s conversation can provide a little bit more inspiration, peace, self compassion, acceptance and empowerment to support you in changing the way you might be looking currently at the things that are going on in our world.

Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!


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