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Oct 12, 2022 | Your Business, Your Relationships

Rebranding at Unbounded Potential™!

It’s the morning before I get married, and I’m feeling all the feels. 💕

My partner and I have been together for as many years as I’ve been in business. We’ve seen the world together, and grown into ourselves together. I’m excited for what this next chapter of togetherness will bring.

It feels appropriate that I’m celebrating two massive undertakings almost simultaneously because they’ve both been fundamental towards the success of the other.

Please join me in raising a glass and celebrating the unveiling of our official rebranding of Unbounded Potential™. You’re going to see A LOT more changing over the next couple of weeks. After nearly nine years in business, we decided it was time to shake things up. To allow our website, offerings, and look and feel to match the experience of working with us and its impact.

Like most business owners, I had no sense of where we were heading when I first started coaching in 2014. The experience was a bit like throwing paint on the wall and seeing what stuck. I felt similarly about articulating who my ideal clients were and whom I most wanted to support.


We Rebranded

When I started my business, I called myself a financial coach given my professional background in economics. Also, due to the fact that I was pursuing my Certified Financial Planner designation (which I totally botched by the way). I quickly pivoted away from that niche when I realized at the time that I lacked the skills set to enroll people pursuing financial coaching to invest money (they lacked) in themselves to do so. You likely don’t even remember that iteration of our logo which barely saw the light of day. A logo that was made with a whole lotta love and very little expertise by our founder…




I eventually found myself a home as an Executive Life Coach. I attracted many high-level clients in leadership roles and corporate across the country. For several years, this included a high percentage of international clients as well. Clients who desired something profoundly different for their lives, whether it was more joy, entrepreneurial freedom, or healthier relationships. And other clients who craved more personal satisfaction and fulfillment in their lives outside of pervasive, toxic work environments or unsustainable lifestyles. This was aligned with the logo you’re most likely familiar with. One that visually represented a mountain combined with a compass to help redirect where you were headed.



Fast forward to today, when we are unveiling our new brand and visual identity. The old logo was… fine. But it lacked some key elements. It lacked the boldness of the HUGE results our clients were looking for and creating left and right. It lacked the vibrancy and overflowing joy that our founder brings to her work and the world.

The old logo also deeply lacked the interconnectedness in our work of balancing the intellect and heart, yin and yang, right and left-brain thinking, masculine and feminine, and rigor and flow. So, we hired brand strategist Martha Cristina Garza (coincidentally one of our beloved clients), someone who knew our work intimately and created a brand that feels more compelling, more joyful, and more US than ever before. One that our team is incredibly proud to stand behind:


We Practice What We Preach

One of the best (and most uncomfortable) parts of this creative process was putting ourselves in our client’s shoes. We constantly speak to the value of investing in the future you’re committed to creating for your business and for yourself. For us, this was to the tune of multiple five figures and more than a dozen contractors and consultants we hired to help us along the way, ranging from personal stylists and photographers to web designers and multiple copywriters. We hired the BEST support along the way! I’ll be sharing in a future blog about all of the support and vendors we worked with to bring this new vision and direction to life, so stay tuned for that.

Now, we get it. Investing in a future that hasn’t yet come to life is uncomfortable. Hiring experts to do work for you that you don’t fully know HOW to express (let alone articulate WHAT you want) is uncomfortable.

But eventually if you allow yourself to be more connected to your vision than your resistance to change. Your vision will come together before your eyes with a healthy dose of faith, magic, support, and hope for the future you’re committed to creating for yourself and the world.

Our rebranding represents a whole new chapter for our company, one we are proud of and can fully stand behind. Thank you so much for being a part of our journey, we wouldn’t be here without you.

What’s the future vision you’re committed to bringing to life? We would love to know. If we can support you along the way, we would be truly honored.




Inquire about our UNBOUNDED Mastermind & Group Coaching Program.

Get ready to think bigger, dissolve limiting beliefs, & welcome an upgraded mindset to become the architect of your non-negotiable dreams.  Eliminate once and for all the hustle-and-grind mentality & step into a higher consciousness that magnetizes clients and opportunities to you.  Join our community of heart-centered CEOs and expand your high-vibe network with aligned partnerships, business collaborations and lifelong friends.

Catherine is a Master Certified Coach and bestselling author of Belonging: Overcome Your Inner Critic and Reclaim Your Joy.

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The Art of Ritualizing: A New Take on Goal Setting in 2025

Welcome back The Prosperous Empath®! Since it’s still January when this episode airs, I wanted to talk about a new and refreshing perspective for you to consider as you reflect on your goals and your visions for the new year. My intention is that today’s episode will guide you into action, because I think that for many of us, goal setting can be so overwhelming–and there’s a reason for this! If you live in the northern hemisphere, it’s still winter, and energetically for empaths, this season is often not a natural or aligned place to be exerting ourselves and feeling energized and resourced to be jumping into goals. Instead, we should focus on ritualizing our lives to create new habit loops while stepping into the identity that is in alignment with our new level of success. Find out how by tuning into the full episode.

Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!


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