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Jan 11, 2019 | Your Relationships

Follow your passion: It’s the only way to be passionate

Good morning to you all the way from Amritsar, India where I’ve just spent my first full day here! If you want to follow along on my journey while I’m abroad in India for the next 3 weeks, I’ll be posting photos along the way over on my IG feed here.

Many clients come to me knowing they want to make a change in their lives, but they’re not sure exactly what it is they want.

Have you ever felt that way? A vague sense of unease, unrest, dissatisfaction? I know I have!

About 7 years ago, I knew I wanted more from my life.

  • I knew I didn’t want to continue working in my windowless government cubicle.
  • I knew my relationship was never going to be what I wanted it to be.
  • I also knew that I needed a major mindset shift.

So I started running.

Not running from my problems, mind you.

I started training for a marathon.

It was this simple act of following a passion, that helped teach me one super-important lesson.

Passion is infatuating.

When you have a passion (whether it’s for a career, or a hobby or a new goal), it can be an all-consuming pursuit.

It can also open up your eyes to new passions all around you.

So if you’re struggling with that same sense of unease, like I was, I encourage you to commit.

Commit to something. Something you’ve been wanting or longing to do.

Don’t do any of that half-in half-out BS. Commit to it all the way.

Not sure what to commit to? Here are some ideas to consider.

  • What is a lifelong hobby you’ve always want to pursue more?
  • Or a bucket list item you’d like to cross off? (You can find some of my items for inspiration here.)
  • Or a cause or an organization you want to volunteer for?
  • A goal that’s eluded you in the past?

 If you know you often resist (or sabotage) your own best intentions, put in support structures sufficient to your level of resistance.

For example, that may look like hiring a professional so that you’ll have the accountability in place you need to succeed (like a professional coach, or a personal trainer).

New year. New passions. New possibilities.

Let’s make 2019 yours,


P.S. Respond now and tell me what new passion you’re pursuing in 2019. I would love to hold space for your passions

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Balancing Being and Doing for Embodied Success as an Empathpreneur

As you’re listening to this episode, I’ll be on maternity leave learning to take care of our new baby which is just wild to think about. But, as I prepare for my leave, I have been thinking about what I want to share with you during that time. What am I wanting to bring more voice and power to? What has been really speaking to me is that I want to share more about some of the mindset work that I do with clients because I want you to have a little more access to some of the power and transformation that coaching can open up regardless of wherever you are on your own journey. So these next couple of solo episodes will dive into a different facet of this work that I love. Starting with this idea of “being” and “doing”. As an ambitious empath, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the importance of balancing being and doing in my entrepreneurial journey. I’ve learned that overemphasizing doing can lead to disconnection from our intuitive wisdom and emotional intelligence. By grounding in our essential being, we can tap into our creative potential, make more intentional choices, and experience more joy and fulfillment in our lives. Throughout this episode, I’m sharing six practices you can implement today to strengthen the muscle of balancing being and doing in entrepreneurship. I hope they’re helpful for you!

Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!


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