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Oct 31, 2022 |

5. When should I consider hiring a coach?

One of my favorite quotes about change comes from Dr. Michael Beckwith who says “the pain pushes until the vision pulls.” You may consider hiring a coach when you are resolved to change. A coach can certainly support you in developing that sense of resolve as well. You may come to that place of resolve for yourself through getting inspired by a future vision you see for yourself and feel compelled to change, or you may also get fed up with the status quo and feel called to do something different.

More specifically, coaching can be supportive in times of transition, evolution, growth, and change in your business, your career, your life, your well-being, and relationships. Coaching can be helpful if you are:

Launching or scaling a business

Overcoming money blocks so you can charge more for your services and price yourself competitively

Vying for a promotion and wanting to improve your executive presence

Changing jobs, careers or wanting to do so

Desiring to get off the hamster wheel of the achievement epidemic we live in and find peace and fulfillment from a different source

Committed to growing your confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome

Wanting to be in a romantic relationship and recognize you need to be more emotionally open and make some changes

Ready to commit to your health and create a sense of work life balance you can live with


Dreaming and Manifesting for Sensitive Empaths Living in a Loud World


Today I’m kicking off a series of episodes on the Prosperous Empath® Podcast where I will dig into some commonalities that empaths and HSPs experience in entrepreneurship and leadership. In my years of working with empaths from all walks of life, I’ve noticed that we often share similar struggles and obstacles that we need to overcome to thrive and prosper. In this solo episode, I’m talking about the power of manifestation and the process of reconnecting with your dreams, desires, and creativity. To tell the truth, I have a love/hate relationship with the word “manifestation” – even though I have manifested many things in my life and business. If there’s a logical part of you that resists the concept of manifestation, you’ll resonate with this episode! I’m sharing nuggets of wisdom on how to become intentional with your thoughts and beliefs as well as my favorite manifestation practices to try.


Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!
