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Dec 13, 2022 |

The 12 Days of Conscious Holidays

The inspiration for today’s episode, and actually, for the next couple of episodes resulted from a conversation that I overheard at a bar over the weekend. In short, another patron said this about Thanksgiving: “It was rough, I went to Gloucester, Hamilton and then Rockport, but there were no fights, so that was a plus.”

On the opposite hand, I’m someone who really does love this season, and one thing I can appreciate about the holidays is that it is a time of a lot of emotions, a lot of pressure, and a lot of expectations. Sometimes when there can be that hype and anticipation, judgment, preconceived notion of how things are going to go, it just can create a lot of pressure and human beings don’t typically like pressure. As you may know, one of the ways we often resist pressure is avoidance. So for today’s episode, I want to share with you a nod to the 12 days of Christmas, the 12 days of conscious holiday planning as a way to practice doing something different and as a way to practice bringing more intentionality to your holidays to create the experience that you want to have. 

Visit this episode’s blog post here.
Connect with Catherine on Instagram: @unboundedpotential

Check out this episode!


Expanding Your Capacity to Receive in Business, Life, and Love


In this episode of the Prosperous Empath® Podcast, I’m continuing the series on challenges that empaths and HSPs often struggle with and sharing practices, mindset shifts, and tips on how to overcome them. The topic of this episode – expanding your capacity to receive – has been one of the greatest transformations for me over the last decade and it’s something I routinely explore with clients. In life, there is an inherent polarity between givers and takers, and the majority of empaths and HSPs overidentify as givers. There are amazing benefits to being a talented giver (which is why many empaths thrive as service providers), but it can also be hard to allow yourself to receive and have your needs met, whether it’s in business partnerships or romantic relationships, to name just a few. In this episode, you’ll learn why empaths often struggle with giving too much of themselves, the consequences of this tendency, and how to nurture your ability to receive more and better.


Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!
