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Nov 01, 2022 |

The 4 Structures of Becoming a Prosperous Empath

Welcome to our very first episode of The Prosperous Empath Podcast. I am so excited to be here with you today, and a little unnerved too, if I’m being honest. As an empath, introvert and highly sensitive person, I am much more comfortable on the listening end of a conversation, getting to be the one who asks questions and offers insights and reflections. However, I’ve had countless clients tell me over the years that I needed to start a podcast, and not only does the timing feel right, but auspicious. More on that in the episode! Also, on the inaugural episode of the show, I thought I would share the four structures that I believe every prosperous empath must have to achieve the success they are craving. I’m so happy and honored that you’re here, and with that, let’s go! 


For a full list of resources and an episode transcript, visit this episode’s blog post here.

Connect with Catherine on Instagram @unboundedpotential.


A Love Letter on my 40th Birthday to my Baby and You


I’m putting a brief pause on the series on challenges that empaths and HSPs often face this week to bring you a special, emotional & deeply personal episode. I’ve just returned from a spending over the last two weeks in Europe celebrating a milestone birthday – I just turned 40! I’m also officially more than halfway through my pregnancy, and it feels like a beautiful moment to pause and honor all of the becoming that it has taken me to get to this point in life. So, I decided to write a love letter to the baby in my belly to honor the version of me I am today and what I hope for them. Somehow, it also ended up being a love letter to myself and all of YOU as I reflect on learning important life lessons, finding answers to some big questions, and learning to deeply love myself along the way. I hope you find something meaningful and of value for yourself in this vulnerable episode!


Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!
