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Oct 21, 2022 |

Lindsey Doyle

Working with Cat has, without a doubt, changed my life. During a year and a half of 1-on-1 coaching with Cat, I significantly increased my income, re-aligned my professional interests in public service, published my first book, have more free time, fully enjoy my relationships with family and friends, and am so much happier. Cat and Unbounded Potential are the real deal. Through the perfect mix of visioning, accountability, and unpacking personal barriers to growth, Cat helped me find my way.


A Love Letter on my 40th Birthday to my Baby and You


I’m putting a brief pause on the series on challenges that empaths and HSPs often face this week to bring you a special, emotional & deeply personal episode. I’ve just returned from a spending over the last two weeks in Europe celebrating a milestone birthday – I just turned 40! I’m also officially more than halfway through my pregnancy, and it feels like a beautiful moment to pause and honor all of the becoming that it has taken me to get to this point in life. So, I decided to write a love letter to the baby in my belly to honor the version of me I am today and what I hope for them. Somehow, it also ended up being a love letter to myself and all of YOU as I reflect on learning important life lessons, finding answers to some big questions, and learning to deeply love myself along the way. I hope you find something meaningful and of value for yourself in this vulnerable episode!


Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

Check out this episode!
