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Jun 06, 2023 | Podcast, Your Business

Using Your Stories to Create Content that Converts with Allison Janda-Brown

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About the episode:

A few copywriters have pitched me to be on the podcast, but before I had any of them on, I knew I had to have Allison Janda-Brown on first! Allison personally helped me transform my own content as I went through my rebrand in 2022 and I’ve seen how successful her work can be firsthand. In our conversation today she shares more about her done-with-you approach and how to connect your amazing, personal stories from your life to the content that you write for your business. She’s helped client after client expand their client base to make bank. Enjoy!

Topics discussed:

  • How Allison transitioned from moving from job to job to creating her own freelance marketing and copywriting business
  • Why Allison chooses to help her clients learn how to write better copy rather than just doing it for them
  • What to infuse into your own copy today so it resonates more with your audience and leads to more sales
  • How the power of words and being bold can help you embrace new and/or different parts of yourself as an empath
  • Creating packages that fit your personality type
  • How Allison remains authentic with her clients while also helping them to make a lot of money
  • The importance of having good relationships with your clients so that you can set yourself (and them) up for success
  • Finding more joy and balance outside of your business and how Allison does this day to day
  • Connecting your amazing stories to your business to write better content

About Allison:

Allison is a copywriter living in Omaha, NE with her husband, three rescue dogs, and one incredible toddler. She strives to help women in business level up their copy and build up their fanbase through the use of great words.

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Click here for a raw, unedited transcript of this episode

Catherine A. Wood  09:10

Alison, I’m so excited to have you on the podcast today. Welcome.

Allison Janda-Brown  09:54

Thank you so much. I’m excited to be here.

Catherine A. Wood  09:57

Before we started recording, we were sharing about how you this is your first podcast. And I was. And I still I feel like that’s just so wild to think about because by way of context for my community the way I know, Allison is that well, let’s see, I hired Alison I was introduced to Alison, via another community member who we chat about a lot here who was Martha Christina Garcia, they were in a mastermind together, but I was looking for. I don’t even remember what I told Martha that I was looking for, but I was definitely looking for copywriting help. And she recommended you and I had a, like a single chat, and I heard you, I think I heard you on the spot. I usually hire people on the spot. That’s usually my style. Because you’re just so wonderful and so knowledgeable. And well, we’ll come back to that. But but then you came and talked to my mastermind, and you led a workshop for them. And you were such a fabulous teacher and educator like you did such a great job, sharing your expertise on copy and how to write more compelling copy. So you being on podcasts feels like a slam dunk, and I am excited to help you pop the cherry. Thanks so much. So, oh, go ahead. Oh, go ahead. Just to kick us off, why don’t you share with us your pronouns and a little bit about who you are?

Allison Janda-Brown  11:31

Pronouns she, her? I am a copy of see, can you hear that? That’s blue in the background, my daughter, she’s four. I am a full time copywriter, as well as a full time mom to one child who sometimes makes me feel like I have five dogs. And I also have three dogs. And if I had my way, I would also have cows and chickens and pigs and donkeys and sheep and goats and everything else you can imagine maybe one day. But But yeah, I have I have a copywriting business that I started back in about 2012. And originally, it was curly Q media. And now it is writer and last. And then I’m also the author of I believe 12 Now books, mostly Chiclet. And then there’s one women’s fiction and one thriller and I am thinking about also going into romance.

Catherine A. Wood  12:40

Oh, I don’t know what a I don’t know what a chiclet book is.

Allison Janda-Brown  12:46

It is well minor murder mysteries. They are. But they’re there for their for women. Janet Ivanovic type books if you’ve ever read her with Stephanie Plum, that’s kind of the vein that they’re in.

Catherine A. Wood  13:03

Okay. Oh my gosh, for anyone who knows Alison putting Alison together with murder mysteries.

Allison Janda-Brown  13:13

Watch, like, it makes me it gives me anxiety. I cannot watch them. But I love right.

Catherine A. Wood  13:18

Yeah, well, so I think I mean, I think it’s amazing to have to have 12 books behind you is like, there’s something pretty incredible to be said about that. But I think like I want to, I’d love to just hear about your journey. Like how did you? How did you get started? How did you set out you’ve been in business out for 13 years? Like that’s really impressive. Crazy.

Allison Janda-Brown  13:48

Yeah, I, um, I was just never good at the, at the nine to five. And I always felt like there was something wrong with me. And I was forever doing a job for a year or two, and then just getting bored and leaving. And I think it was really frustrating, especially my poor mother to not have the steady salary and the benefits and to know that, you know, I was I was being taken care of and could take care of myself and all of those things, but it just wasn’t right. And I never knew what was wrong, really. And then I had a job that was particularly not good. And I remember I quit pretty much on the spot. Like I didn’t even give them two weeks notice it was just some stuff that happened and I had no backup plan. I hadn’t been interviewing for anything. And I just decided I’m going to try to do what I do for these businesses, which at the time was marketing for just multiple clients. So that’s what I did. I just kind of started cold emailing, I find businesses that we’re hiring on job boards for marketers, or copywriters. And I would just email them, and tell them who I was and what I could do, and that I didn’t want to work from an office, but that if they wanted to hire me remotely, that I could help them for a much less expensive rate, essentially, then they’d have to pay, you know, benefits and all those kinds of things. And I got a couple of bites. And so I just kept going, until I got to, basically where I am now, which is I don’t have retainer clients anymore, I just do one off clients, and then passive income. So.

Catherine A. Wood  16:04

So we had a couple, we had an episode a couple weeks ago, that was titled entrepreneurship on accident. It sounds like that’s true for you

Allison Janda-Brown  16:13

very much, very much. So that was not planned at all. But as soon as I started doing it, it felt like what I was supposed to always be doing. Totally,

Catherine A. Wood  16:28

I mean, I think you’re amazing at it. Like I mean, I’ve shared about this on social, and I think I shared about it in my website, rebrand, giving you a shout out. But like, when we work together, you helped me write copy better. And I think that essentially like you, you taught me to write more compelling copy. And that’s a really different skill set than being a copywriter. teaching someone to write compelling copy, versus writing it yourself is an entirely unique set of skills. So I’m curious how you acquired them.

Allison Janda-Brown  17:08

Um, I don’t know. I don’t have any teachers in my family, of teaching in the jeans. I do really enjoy it, though I love you know, I think that when I was first starting out, and I was kind of trying to figure out my way along and feel out what everything would would look like, I took a lot of courses online, and did a lot of the workshops, the paid workshops, and that kind of thing, just trying to figure out the whole idea of what a business running an online business looked like. And there was so much about them that I liked. But there are also elements that I felt were missing. I’m just the type of person that really needs a little bit of hand holding sometimes. It’s all well and good to, I think learn about things. And copy is one of those things that is fascinating to learn about. But unless you see it actually done, I feel like or if somebody shows you how to implement the things that you’re talking about, it’s really difficult to know if you’re actually doing it right. So it was really important to me, when I got to a point where I had more followers that I wasn’t just offering, you know, things that were pre recorded, not that there’s anything wrong with that. But just that. Beyond that, I feel like there’s another element for some of us, which is we like to know if we’re if we’re doing it correctly. And I think that that’s what the live element does for me. And that teaching element does for me, it gives me the opportunity to not only show but also kind of see that spark in people’s eyes when they get it and helping to give them those aha moments and knowing that they’re going to go off and be able to write better copy is so much more meaningful to me than than just selling, selling a course and never necessarily meeting with somebody.

Catherine A. Wood  19:13

Well, let’s, I mean, I love that and I’d love to jump into what how do you know when you’re doing it correctly when you’re doing it? Well, like when you work with your clients, and you’re teaching them to write more effective copy? What are some of the things that you look for?

Allison Janda-Brown  19:32

I think one of the biggest and easiest elements that you can implement into your copy is looking out for passive as opposed to Active Words. I, I think that a lot of people when they’re writing their own copy, you hear that phrase that you’re supposed to write how you speak. And so naturally, there’s a lot of words that tend to go into our copy that we would maybe say out loud. But that really shouldn’t be implemented when we’re trying to sell something if we’re trying to write a captivating email, or if we’re trying to write a high converting sales page. And I think that’s an element that a lot of people forget about. So really trying to switch out more passive words for more active ones. And if you are having trouble coming up with a word that works for you, I love the thesaurus. I love it, I’m addicted to it, it’s open on my desktop all day, every day. Of course it is, of course, because you can type in a word, and then it comes up with 100 other words that are similar, and then you can click on them, and you can go down all these different rabbit holes, or you can back out and go back to the original list. So I am a huge proponent of using the thesaurus, especially if you have a word that you don’t feel is quite right. And utilizing that to write better copy

Catherine A. Wood  20:59

that love that you started with passive voice versus active voice for our audience who aren’t, who maybe aren’t familiar, like, can you give some examples of passive voice versus active?

Allison Janda-Brown  21:10

Sure. Passive Voice things like was were, will be, should be. Past tense, essentially, as opposed to active voice, you know, you can use a lot more, we’re using words that are bolder, discover, or uncover or on earth. I think that there’s so much more than a lot of people use, like how to or learn more. And you can switch those out for such a stronger, more colorful word that really sparks interest, as opposed to a word that you just read, you know that you are that your brain even potentially skips over.

Catherine A. Wood  22:06

I love that you started with passive voice because I really recall that that was actually one of my biggest aha was working with who was shifting from passive to active voice and really not having any idea to the extent to which I was using passive voice in my copy. And it has me curious, I mean, I know that you and I both identify as empaths we’re both a bit more soft spoken, like, we’re not innately bold, big in your face type of people. And yet, so much of your copy is that. So I promise I’m going to get to my question, but it has it really has me curious, like, how does the power of words and being bold, allow you to unlock parts of yourself or embrace parts of yourself that maybe we don’t always see right off the bat?

Allison Janda-Brown  23:09

Yeah, I love that question. That’s a great question. Um, I, I feel like who I am, as a copy writer. And as an author is very much the person that people close to me get to know. When I first meet people I am I’m quieter, I’m more reserved, more introverted. I’m very much an observer. I’m the person at a party that either has to cling to an introvert or an extrovert or you know, find the find the cat or whatever. I don’t go out of my way to meet new people. But the people that get to know me know that there is that other side that more loud and friendly and funny and boisterous side. And I feel like when I write that is that side that comes out, it’s a much more it’s just a much more fun side. It’s a much more I don’t want to say appealing because it’s not like being an introvert and being an empath isn’t appealing. But it’s just more it’s just more

Catherine A. Wood  24:25

it is it is just more I mean, especially like thinking about your books, right Chiclets murder mysteries. What was that? I’m curious if there was a journey or a process to unlock that mortise in your in your writing, like I know for me, a lot of it came from working with you, but what was that journey like for you? Um

Allison Janda-Brown  24:57

I think when I started so originally I was doing the the retainer clients and then I kind of switched over to that more the the one on one element I really like, the introverted side of me really likes doing things, one on one with people and getting to know them and who they are and what their voice is, and who it is that their target audiences and what it is that they want to sell. And when I started down that path, and was able to maybe open up a bit more to people, you know, when you have, you have to get to know them in order to be able to write copy for them, which required me to open up a bit more. And I think just seeing the way that I could be with various clients, and how being more open with them, and being more connected to them really helped them open up to me, and therefore resulted in a better product because that’s one thing I really pride myself on is that I really have to edit things like I can really nail people’s voices after just a single conversation. But I think that that all kind of came about organically because i i It was it was the result of of a very slow realization over many clients that that the more open I am with them, the more open they are with me and and the better the ultimate product.

Catherine A. Wood  26:30

I mean, I love that reminder for our listeners like because I think that that is such a, a learning for Empath entrepreneurs that the more open we are with the folks that we talk to, the more open we are with our copy, the more we naturally attract our ideal clients and and the more authentic the relationships are. Definitely. Well, I mean, I think your kind of your authenticity, it just like, shines out whenever you start talking, and and you’ve created some really massive results for your clients. Like, I know that you have some really like just huge, huge success stories. So how do you? How do you maintain such authenticity and kindness? And while also just totally making bank for your?

Allison Janda-Brown  27:41

Ah, yeah, that’s a great question. And you’re welcome.

Catherine A. Wood  27:44

I really mean it, though, I think that it can be really challenging to be so authentically yourself while also being so successful. Revenue wise, and so I wonder how do you hold both?

Allison Janda-Brown  28:00

Thank you. Thank you so much. I I realized that there are a lot of elements that go into running a successful business. And I love discussing the a lot of the foundational aspects of of Sales and Marketing for a business. I mean, that’s just one thing that is near and dear to my heart and ensuring that all my businesses have that foundation in order to become successful or become more successful. But again, there’s there’s a lot that goes into it. And it’s not just copy, I feel that you can write a wonderful sales page. But if the product isn’t great, or if there aren’t other elements that are set up properly, the launch won’t necessarily be a success. So I appreciate taking credit for my part in things. But I also recognize that it takes a village to be successful. And I also think that there are I think that there’s just something to be said for, for the person who is actually doing the selling and for the person who’s launching, like I said, I really try to get to know these individuals, and who they are and what they do and who they want to help. And I think that without their passion for what they do, that there is no success. So again, I think it just kind of comes back to working with good people. I really love working with good people with find people with heart centered people who really want to make a difference. And who go into things without egos because I think that’s really how you can make magic happen when you’re prepared to learn from each other and listen to each other.

Catherine A. Wood  30:03

I think those are such good reminders like the idea that you attract good people by being a good person. And, and I also hear just this piece about passion, like, through having the capacity to unlock someone’s passion or the magic behind why they do what they do that you can more effectively communicate that and talk about it.

Allison Janda-Brown  30:31

Definitely, I think that the most successful launches that I’ve been a part of the passion just comes through when I’m when I’m speaking to them, when we’re in our initial meetings, or, you know, hashing out what needs to be written or how it needs to be written. I mean, that’s one of the things that I loved about you so much, was just how passionate you are for this work of helping heart centered empaths. Figure out their figuring out their business and what it is that they want to do and how they want to help people. So it’s an element that I think is missing for a lot of online businesses. I really love working with people that aren’t just in it to make money, but they’re also in it to help people and people that have a purpose. I

Catherine A. Wood  31:30

mean, I think that that is such a great reminder, as you were talking, I was listening for myself. And what I was was thinking on is like, when I talk to someone, as a potential client, if I don’t get to the passion, or the magic of what they want, or why they do what they do, then I don’t invite someone to work with me. Because hey, you’re disconnected from your dreams, or you’re disconnected from what brings you to life, then then, that’s kind of an indicator for me,

Allison Janda-Brown  32:07

rather than definitely. And I also

Catherine A. Wood  32:10

I think, like in this world of business, that’s just so, so busy, so full, there’s, you know, there’s so many business owners in the marketplace, like you have to be really clear on what you love, like what what you can be at, at peace closing your laptop, at the end of the day that you’re committing to or what message you’re sharing, or what story you’re telling.

Allison Janda-Brown  32:36

Right, I think that it’s so important to feel good about the work that you produce. And in order to do that, I think that you have to feel good about the people that you’re working with. It’s just so important to have those relations, like I said, it all comes back to me for, for me to relationships, it’s if you cannot have a relationship with somebody, if I would not connect with somebody, I feel like in a in a social setting, not that I would be in one willingly, but I got a networking event or something that I don’t do anymore. But if you can’t, if you wouldn’t be able to connect with somebody at at that kind of event, then I don’t I choose not to work with them. Because it’s, it’s going to result in copy that I’m not proud of. And it probably won’t please them either. To be honest, like I want. I like the emails that I get where they’re like, this is excellent, no changes, or Wow, this is, you know, awesome, best copy I’ve ever had or, like, I want those types of clients, right? So, yeah, you have to be able to have that connection with somebody in order to deliver that level of product.

Catherine A. Wood  34:02

So important. So, so important. And as I think about like running a conscious business, right? It’s like when we are conscious about all aspects of our business from who we choose to work with, from whose message we choose to support from who, who we allow ourselves to give our time and energy and heart to were either setting ourselves up for success and also protecting our empathic selves, or taking away from us.

Allison Janda-Brown  34:33

Absolutely, yeah.

Catherine A. Wood  34:35

I love I really love that reminder. I am. You know, I’ve been prioritizing some SEO work lately. And as I do, I’ve been having a lot more people reach out to me, right, which is great. And at the same time, it’s requiring me to find new ways of handling this increased demand and finding ways that feel aligned with who I Am and are kind and authentic, like all these things that we’re talking about.

Allison Janda-Brown  35:06


Catherine A. Wood  35:08

Yeah, it’s a learning, I think it’s a practice for us.

Allison Janda-Brown  35:11

It is, I think it’s, you know, I really think it’s probably going to be a lifelong learning because ultimately, there is something to be said for organic reach. But there’s also something to be said for, for keywords and for paid reach. And for paid advertising. However, you have to also recognize that the type of prospects that you’re going to get, when you open yourself up to that paid side of things are, I mean, you’re gonna have a lot more that you have to filter through. And it’s really important, again, to be centered on what it is that you offer and who it is that you want to serve. Because otherwise, I feel like it’s so easy to get caught up in just making money. Which is not a bad thing. There’s nothing wrong with me, I love money. But I but that’s not my only. That’s not my only avenue, right. And so it’s so important to recognize, like I said, who it is that you’re serving, and just really try to figure out ways to stay true to that.

Catherine A. Wood  36:16

100% Well, that actually brings me to something else I want to chat about, I’m sure you didn’t see this coming. Get ready, I’m ready. But one of the things I so appreciate about you is how much of a big, juicy, fun, uh, eclectic, rewarding life that you lead and live outside of business. And I think that that’s something that not all ambitious entrepreneurs can say for themselves, because I think it’s really easy to get really kind of, you know, tunnel vision in the success and growth of their business. So, I mean, I think I’d love for you to share a little bit about who you are outside of your business, and then to contribute. And then let’s connect the dots about how that impacts business.

Allison Janda-Brown  37:08

Sure. Well, you know, in the inner introduction, I have my four year old daughter and dogs. And I met my husband a little bit later, we didn’t meet until our early 30s. So I think that I just had a really big, full life before I you know, got married, and for all intents and purposes, settled down and had a baby, I, you know, I had started writing my books already, I had a good friend group, I was single. So I did lots of, you know, fun things, I didn’t shy away from trying a new thing. And I think that that’s one thing that has continued to follow me, even through marriage and having a baby and having my own business is that I’m a person. Outside of all of those things. I’m an individual outside of all those things, I have unique interests. And I want to continue to be true to those because that’s part of the reason that, you know, my husband and I were attracted to each other and I want to raise a very strong daughter who knows that that there is so much more to life than what’s right in front of you. So I for instance, I always wanted to do voice lessons. I don’t know why I did theater when I was in high school. I haven’t I’m going to haven’t done it and I’m almost 40 I haven’t done it in years. But this last year, I just decided you know what, I’m just going to take voiceless it’s not because I think I’m great and not because I want to be in any productions but because it’s something that I want to do so why not try it for a year. And same with ballroom dance lessons. I’ve never taken a dance lesson in my life. I have two left feet. But I just we took them for our our wedding. We took four ballroom dance lessons for our wedding so that we could do a little bit of a fancier first dance. And I just fell in love with it. And so I decided to keep going and again it’s not because I think that I’m particularly good or feel like you know this is another path that my life could take you know, champion Ballroom Dancing with the Stars type thing but I just I enjoy it and it makes me happy so why not? Why not do it?

Catherine A. Wood  39:56

I mean, I love I’m so glad you shared all those all those details. cuz I really wanted to hear them because I think that that’s such a good reminder for our audience who’s listening. And, you know, wanting more fulfillment outside of their businesses wanting to find more balance, looking for more joy outside of their ambitions, like, it’s so important. And not many of us are so well practiced in it and really honoring all the aspects of them everything that’s meaningful and brings them fulfillment and joy and satisfaction. And I’m also curious to hear Do you notice that your willingness to have so many interests and passions impacts business?

Allison Janda-Brown  40:45

Definitely. So when I first started in business, and honestly, even after I was, I was first married, and didn’t really have a lot of extra responsibilities outside of puppy time. And, you know, whatever my own interests were, I could really get in the gym, I was really in the zone when I would work, right. And I would sit down, and I would not move from the front of my computer for, you know, eight hours, I mean, I could I would not eat, I would not, like get up to go to the bathroom, I would not get a glass of water, it didn’t, you know, I would just work straight through. And that worked for me for a very long time. I’m just a very I don’t know, just in the zone type of individual, which I think a lot of copywriters will understand, I don’t like interruptions. And when you’re in the zone, you just go. But then when I had my daughter, it was a huge shift. And I couldn’t do that anymore. Because, you know, you you start to write, but then oh, she needed to battle or, Oh, she needs to get changed. Or, gee, I should really take her for a walk because it’s a nice day. And there was a lot of fight in me, I feel like at first because it was such a huge change to my way of life and how I had done things thus far. But she brought a large shift in perspective. And I’ve I’ve never gone back to that way of doing business, i don’t i i appreciate who that woman was, and all that she did, and all of the work that she put in to get me to where I am now. But I don’t believe in nose to the grindstone, and constant hustle and, and working harder all the time anymore.

Catherine A. Wood  43:03

I love that reminder. I mean, I’m also appreciating some of your Instagram reels, and it feels like a lot of your, like theater skills and strengths from high school, present themselves in your bowl personality on your amazing Instagram reels that I so deeply enjoy.

Allison Janda-Brown  43:27

I love making them I just yeah, it’s just that, again, just that more fun. Like it’s how I would be if we knew each other really well. And I think that there’s something about giving that much personality through your copy or through whatever avenues people might meet you because I think it’s a real, I mean, it’s either a real turn on or a real turn off. The people are either gonna love you and want to work with you or they’re gonna be like, nope, not for me, and I’m totally fine either way.

Catherine A. Wood  44:00

Well, I know that like the power of good copywriting is often contingent on the power of a good story. And I would love to hear I mean, I’d love to hear one of your own personal favorite stories. But I also am curious how you help your clients like how you access their their most compelling stories so you can start wherever you’d like

Allison Janda-Brown  44:33

Well, when I when I work with clients, usually there’s you know, we have a we have a meet and greet type of phone call. And I just try to keep it casual, you know, and we just we talk about ourselves and life and business and it would be the exact kind of conversation that I would have with a girlfriend at a coffee house. Um, because I think that again, it’s really important that you make that connection. And that you figure out if you have things in common because I think that once you connect with somebody, again, you’re a lot more open with them. So that’s really kind of how I get to know my clients and how they speak who they are, what some other stories are. I, my mom is my mom’s a realtor. And so was my grandpa, after he was up at retired from the from being a pilot in the military. And so I think that I have a little bit of that personality, I feel like people just tell me things, which I don’t mind at all. And I wouldn’t ever reveal secrets. But I think that there’s an element of that to it to just when I have a connection with somebody, I feel like they feel more inclined to just tell me things that maybe they wouldn’t normally tell other people, which also helps with copy and getting to know who they are on paper, or a screen as it may be. I think however, the story that you might be referring to is the one about the Chihuahua, baby. So when I was looking to kind of expand my client base about three years ago, I started writing stories that normally go in my newsletters, but I started posting them on social media. And the one that got the craziest response. I couldn’t believe it, because when I wrote it, I mean, I was totally cackling to myself, but I didn’t think anybody else would find it that funny because so few people knew this dog. But I used to have a chihuahua she passed away last spring. Thank you, she was very old. Our running joke was that my husband would have to die before like she was waiting for my husband to die because they hated each other. But we thought for sure she’d outlive them. But she didn’t. But she just was. I mean, she’s a Chihuahua, right? She’s just like eight pounds. And she was just angry about everything. But one thing that she really loved were blankets. And she had this spot on the couch. And so in my apartment that I lived in, when I met my now husband, he came over one night for dinner. And he went and sat down on the couch to watch some TV. And he actually sat in the dog’s spot on the couch where her blankets were. And she was very upset about this. But she went over to him, she hopped up on the couch, and she ran over to his lap, and she sat down like she wanted pets. And he went to scratch her ears. And she took a huge hoop, right? Black. And he jumped up and he great like he was so angry. And she just darted off. And she went and hid under the bed. And I just thought that was so like, first of all, I can’t believe that he’s still married me after that. Let’s just,

Catherine A. Wood  48:16

let’s just say that to him.

Allison Janda-Brown  48:19

Right, but also just the idea that you’re an eight pound dog who is upset with somebody, and that you go and you sit in their lap and you’re brave enough to poop on them. And then he’s a big man, he has a huge beard. I think in any other element, he would probably look a little scary to some people. But she just she didn’t care. She was upset because he took her spot on the couch. And she just let him know it. So I think that there’s something too. I just I remember thinking myself, gosh, that was really brave. Like if only we all could show that much bravery and courage in the face of something that made us unhappy or frustrated. Yeah, that’s just to this day, I’m still like, wow, that was what a dog dog,

Catherine A. Wood  49:23

truly. I mean, I love I love this story. And I also like, we all have stories like that. Right? And yet you you connected it to business. So first of all, what was like the business takeaway? And then secondly, for our listeners, like how do you help? Or how do you recommend that we connect the dots between our amazing stories like your Chihuahua and life?

Allison Janda-Brown  49:56

Yes. You know, I actually don’t even remember what I tagged it to I think I just tagged it to being brave and taking up taking a brave step. And that brave step was, I, you know, I think at the time it might have been joining me for for one on one coaching is what it was for copywriting. So, and I think that that can be done with a lot of stories, I talk about that a lot with clients, and then just in workshops and things like that, that I do. The key to writing copy that people enjoy reading, the type of copy that pops up in your inbox, and you’re always excited to click on it to open it is showing your personality, you can write about just personal things that have happened to very personal stories and give people real insights into who you are as a person, how you work, how you process some of the things that you’ve been through. And it’s those elements of writing, that make the connection with people, and that make them want to get to know you or buy your thing or, you know, work with you one on one or whatever it is. So, yeah, I think when people are unsure what to write, I would say just come up with something that’s happened to you recently and and write about that and then see how you can potentially connect it back to what it is that that you offer.

Catherine A. Wood  51:42

I love that. And I want to like a potent story to go out on as we like truly do, you know, think about what those stories are and how they connect with our learnings and our personalities and how we want to show up in business. And right like, we always say dogs are like their owners. So the fact that she was that brave, like, Can you even imagine what that says about you? I can’t I don’t know if I want to write? What would I do? Well, let’s see, as we as we wrap up here like i I’m curious, you know, for our listeners who are potentially interested in working with you like, what, what types of copy Do you love working with most? And where can folks find you? Or where would you recommend they start?

Allison Janda-Brown  52:44

Sure, definitely start on my website, which is brighter W R I T E R L U S I’ve got some videos on there, a couple of blogs, you can kind of just get to know me and my voice. And you can also just get some free insights into marketing and sales and copywriting for your business, which I think is always a great place to start. And then I right now I have two things that I think would be really helpful. I have a one to one, sales, marketing consultation. So basically, it’s just one hour, we can kind of discuss anything you want to discuss, it’s related to sales and marketing or if you need help with brainstorming. Or maybe you just need help perfecting, you know, a tagline or a subhead, you can just book that one hour call with me and we can knock that out. And then the other thing that I love doing are the by my days, which is you essentially book my day. And if you already have copy written and you just need somebody to go through and make it better, we can do that. Or you can use it to be taught how to write better and then we can go through some of your stuff together and kind of use it however you want. I like to keep things really organic, so that it meets the needs of the people who utilize it.

Catherine A. Wood  54:20

Are there any types of coffee that you enjoy most? Or perhaps like think or your sweet spot?

Allison Janda-Brown  54:29

For sure. I used to write everything under the I mean everything under the sun even you know Amazon product descriptions. But my specialty and really the only thing that I write for clients anymore are either email sequences or landing pages.

Catherine A. Wood  54:51

Oh, I see. So, like so with the buy, buy, buy with the buyer day or the one hour consult like it’s really any body of copy that people want help improve

Allison Janda-Brown  55:00

Hmm, definitely. Yeah, that’s the only thing yet but the only thing available for for purchase like to have any right from scratch are email sequences and sales pages.

Catherine A. Wood  55:13

Cool. Makes sense. Well, I adore you, as you know, and this has been so lovely. You know, I asked I end every conversation by asking the same question which is what has supported you in becoming a prosperous empath?

Allison Janda-Brown  55:35

I think one of the things that I had the most difficult time around when I was first getting started in business were money blocks. And I didn’t realize how many I had and especially as a copywriter because I felt like there were so many concrete copywriters and the market was so saturated coming up with pricing was very difficult. And I discovered Denise Duffield Thomas, I don’t know if you’ve ever read any of her books, but she just was a game changer for me as far as being who you are and charging what you’re worth, and that the right people will come to you. So I think she was a real game changer for me as far as gaining confidence in not only my my skills, but what I was able to charge for them.

Catherine A. Wood  56:27

I love that man coming back to DDT like she’s an incredible storyteller. She really is. Yeah, amazing. I love her stories. Yeah. Cool. AJ, thank you so much for having thanks so much for coming on. It was a pleasure to have you today.

Allison Janda-Brown  56:45

Thank you so much for having me. This is wonderful.


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The Four States of Consciousness: How Perspective Shapes Your Reality

I’ve been thinking a lot about a term that I referenced on the last podcast episode (listen in if you haven’t), this idea that we are currently living in a VUCA world—volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous and for empaths in particular, it can be incredibly challenging to feel grounded, centered, and connected with our higher self in this reality. So today on the podcast, I want to share with you a framework grounded in teachings by Michael Beckwith that has fundamentally supported my clients and myself in changing the way we look at things so that the things we look at change—The Four States of Consciousness. My hope is that today’s conversation can provide a little bit more inspiration, peace, self compassion, acceptance and empowerment to support you in changing the way you might be looking currently at the things that are going on in our world.

Visit this episode’s show notes page here.

The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

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