Jul 10, 2023 | Podcast, Your Business
Tapping Into Your Message with Kristin Quiroz Bayona
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About the episode:
Today’s podcast guest is Kristin Quiroz Bayona, a podcast coach & content strategist, and I’m honored to have her on the show to talk about the importance of tapping into your message and really knowing your why as an introvert and highly sensitive person. Kristin left her corporate career in the beginning of the pandemic to cultivate a business that was a better fit for her personality – a business that helps to amplify the voices of people who often feel underrepresented. Our whole conversation serves as a reminder that the loudest voice isn’t always the most important voice (and that you deserve to be heard, too).
Topics discussed:
- Why we must work to amplify the voices of those who are underrepresented (POC, empaths, introverts, etc.) to create more of an inclusive environment
- How Kristin coaches her clients to overcome the hurdles that come with being comfortable with taking up your own space
- What your “why” actually is and why it’s essential to know as an introvert and heart centered entrepreneur
- The importance of paying attention to your energy and your body as an empath and highly sensitive person
- Finding community that will help move you forward and validate your ideas
- The value that comes with creating your own lane and staying the course, even when it feels different from everyone else
- How Kristin promotes her personal business and podcast while also sharing so much of others’ businesses
- Why learning to listen to herself has been the thing that’s helped Kristin the most in becoming a Prosperous Empath
About Kristin:
Kristin Quiroz Bayona is a podcast coach & content strategist on a mission to help female entrepreneurs create, launch, and grow a purposeful, sustainable, and profitable podcast on their terms.
Connect with Kristin:
Episode Resources:
- Grab your spot for our next Non-Networking Power Hour with our UNBOUNDED Mastermind Community here
- Start with Why: how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound
- Reflection questions to support you in Tapping into Your Message:
- If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for?
- When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
- What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
- What gets you fired up?
[expand title=”Click here for a raw, unedited transcript of this episode“]
Catherine A. Wood 00:03
Hey, Kristin, welcome to the podcast.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 00:05
Hi, Catherine, thank you so much for having me.
Catherine A. Wood 00:09
I’d love to kick it off with you sharing your pronouns. And why don’t we just jump in to having you share a little bit about your story? Yeah, so
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 00:17
I’m Kristin, my pronouns are she, her. And I am a podcast coach and content strategist. And that’s really what my 15 years in corporate was based around is creating content, helping develop thought leaders. And while I enjoy the work, I think I’m a creative person. So constantly being able to create and then also helping to amplify others, which is really what I was doing. I think those two things I really, I really do enjoy. But I didn’t enjoy the corporate space, the climbing the ladder, idea. Just politics. And I think being an introvert and a sensitive, empathetic person, going into an office every day was challenging. So in 2020, like a lot of people during the pandemic, I pivoted, and started my first podcast, which was a travel podcast, because I love to travel. And I love storytelling and learning about other people and perspectives. And then sort of launched that into the podcast coaching, and now marketing and management of podcasts. And I think it just is really aligned with my, I think my gifts, really wanting to connect with people in an intimate way. I think podcasts really allow us to do that. I know your podcast is one of those that I think of you know what I’m like, oh, yeah, real connection. So that’s kind of my, my journey to hear where I’m at today. And I just really love working with mission driven entrepreneurs to help amplify their messages. And, you know, being able to support someone in just a really beautiful mission and amplify that it’s like, it doesn’t get any better. So that’s just a little bit about me.
Catherine A. Wood 02:20
Well, something I appreciate about you is that, you know, we both identify as introverts, empaths, and highly sensitive women. And I think those voices, in particular, like there’s such a need for those messages to be amplified. And it was certainly one of the, the reminders that helped me personally overcome the hurdle of owning my voice and honing my message and launching the podcast. And, and I also think it’s something that the the person who connected us, Rose Cox, who has been on my podcast, and I know she’s been on yours, too, that we all share in common is that, you know, this is a very specific and different voice and message that’s being amplified. And that is, that has historically taken up a lot of space in the corporate world and also in the business world. So I really appreciate the message and the voices that you’re really committed to amplifying.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 03:26
Yeah, my original mission, you know, when I started my travel podcast was because I didn’t see enough representation and that was from women of color, LGBTQ, any underrepresented voice. Now it’s expanded, you know, neurodivergent. And then I guess I never realized, like how underrepresented empaths introverts, you know, I didn’t make that connection initially. And now I see in like the people who I bring on my show, my current show, it’s still it’s, of course, always going to be the through line is to is to give a platform to people who I am not seeing represented enough, because it’s so so important for us to see ourselves and see examples of how different ways of sharing your voices and different ways that that looks. Because I think we’re, we’re given like, one cookie cutter or just there’s a dominant idea of what is someone who speaks on a stage look like or what is a business owner look like? Or you know, so just kind of challenging those norms and trying to open this spaces to speak a little bit more and create more of an inclusive environment for anyone who’s feeling like my voice is not necessarily valued because it’s not the loudest I just or it’s not the majority voice.
Catherine A. Wood 05:04
I mean, I so appreciate you speaking to that. Because I think that for for many of my audience, and certainly for me personally, like, my voice has typically been one of the quieter voices in the room. And I don’t historically speak first. And I like to observe and reflect. And notice everyone in the room and I, I also have this like, default commitment to always ensure people feel welcome and included. And that often results in me not sharing my message or taking up space. And and I also have a very soft voice, you know, like, so I was actually really nervous about starting this podcast, because I was like, dang it, like, I pause between thoughts. And sometimes I close my eyes when I’m connecting with my intuition, and oh, my god, everyone wants me to put it on video. And I don’t speak quickly, like, how do I overcome all these hurdles to really connect with my message? And and there’s so many aspects of what I just shared that I’d love. I’d love to glean your expertise around. But I’m, I’m curious like for, for people you’ve supported in launching their podcasts and coached them around like, how do you help them in overcoming all of the hurdles that can get in the way of people like you and me and my audience, really honing our message and being willing to take up more space.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 06:45
In You know, I want to say to like, I think we kind of forget the power of the pregnant pause. Because it’s it, it helps people to, you know, when you give that space, I think we can forget that. You, if you’re just talking 20 times when I’m talking right and not not giving that break, you’re not giving people a break to process. And when you do that people actually really appreciate it, and it makes them lean in more. And so that’s something that I kind of discovered through podcasting, because I was very much like, oh, I have to fill the Caveny dead air. And I have to make sure I’m, you know, constantly is almost like entertaining. So that’s something that I learned. And that’s something that I help my clients with is just to see how you can show up in your own unique way. And that is valuable. And it could be your differentiator, you know, you could be the person who shows up with longer pauses, or, you know, just if you’re doing video, you’re looking in a different direction, you’re closing your eyes. And I think what it all comes back to is that authenticity of like, who are you? And how do you show up in the world and what feels good to you. Because that is really when people are going to respond to you, right? It doesn’t matter what you’re introvert extrovert, when you’re really connected to your message, and you’re sharing it in a genuine way. That’s what people pulls people in. So I really try to help my clients and where we always start is with the why of what they’re doing. And I know that that’s talked about a lot. And it’s talked about a lot for a reason, because especially as introverts, I know for me, I really felt hesitant about ever speaking on a stage because I didn’t see myself as a quote unquote, speaker. But I knew I had something to say I was filling a pool. And what I realized was, and I think this is probably true for a lot of empaths is when I got really connected to my message, all the other stuff just kind of washed away. It didn’t go away completely, right. Because there’s speaking as a skill, you know, whether you’re on a podcast or stage and you can get better at that. But so much of the focus on me, what were people going to think, you know, just just thinking about the external sort of, maybe judgment, like it was so not important when I could really when I did really connect to Why am I here? Who do I want to impact? What is my bigger why? And so, having that experience, that’s where I start with my clients like what, why are you starting this podcast? What is it that you can really tap into that you want to show up every week to share or every other I share it with people. And I think because, you know, we’re introverts and empathetic, I think meaning is, means a lot to us, like we’re always looking for meaning, right? And so you really kind of have to connect to that real mission and sort of message to get over some of the maybe confidence things. And then when you do, it’s going to help you show up in that really lit up special way that I think a lot of us empaths can show up, you know, like, because when we really find that thing, where you’re just like, Oh, yes, I can, I can talk about it. And people respond to that. And I know I’ve had that experience, myself with people were like, Oh, wow, you you look, you’re really excited about this, or like, you’re really passionate about this. And it’s just this shift in energy. So really trying to get people to that place. Because I’ve worked with people who are not introverts are empaths. And they’ve done speaking on other platforms, and now they’re doing a podcast, but there’s always something that comes up around a little bit of impostor syndrome, a little bit of, you know, should I be sharing my voice in this way? And so it doesn’t really matter, like who you are, you’re always going to come up with those kind of challenging beliefs, limiting beliefs. And so if you can connect to that, why, I mean, that’s, it doesn’t, that’s what it’ll get you through that sort of be the sort of like your North Star.
Catherine A. Wood 11:35
Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense. Like, I’m thinking about our nervous systems, you know, and like the idea that when our sympathetic nervous system is triggered, like we’re typically in our head, we’re anxious, we’re more connected with feelings of insecurity, or impostor syndrome, or lacking confidence. But when we can connect with our heart center, and really activate our parasympathetic nervous system, we’re more grounded and centered. And not surprisingly, like, that’s where our y lives, you know, like our Why isn’t this a go ik centered goal, it’s like, a heart driven one, a purpose aligned one. And so I think that makes a lot of sense. And I think for a lot of us, and I imagine for many of our listeners today, like, it can be really hard to really connect with your why to like, really connect with, with your message, the message that lights you up, and that you, you know, like, give a damn about right. And something that you said to me in the very first call. And you’ve already shared it today. But it’s just like that idea that when you really connect with your message and what you care about, you can access your your voice from a different place. And I think that that’s a lot easier said than done. And so I’m wondering, like, what guidance or what wisdom do you share with your clients? And that you can share with us here today? Like, how do you do that? How do you take this like, very profound concept and really take it to heart?
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 13:23
Yeah, I think, you know, for people who come to me with podcasts, they typically have the idea. And so my help is my help that I offer is to kind of get them clear in terms of, you know, I start with a framework of okay, what are you passionate about? And having them, you know, walk through a series of prompts around that, like, what what can you talk about, like, so effortlessly for hours? What can you what really, like, fires you up, like, gives you that kind of tingling feeling? Or maybe it’s even, I know, for me, it’s like, I just feel it in my I don’t know, there’s so many ways like my gut, my bones, my heart, you know, like, where you’re just like, this is kind of like that truth for you. I think sometimes when you have your own truth, they tend to be like universal truths, right? They’re not just specific to you. So checking in with yourself, like, Oh, what is the thing that’s just firing me up and giving me that energy? And so we look at that. And then we also look at what value are they thinking about your ideal listener? And like, what value? Do you think that you can provide people by using your voice and I think that’s kind of a second place to go. Like, once you kind of like, identify a few topics or few things that you find yourself talking about all the time. You just can’t stop talking about it and you’re just so curious about it and you want to learn more? And then thinking, adding the other layer like, Hmm, okay, so how is this going to impact others? I think the impact piece is really important. How is this going to, you know, change someone’s day to someone’s life change someone’s our, that they’re listening to me. And then the last thing we look at is, of course, business goals, because my clients are entrepreneurs, and many of them are starting these podcasts to help grow their brands. But they’re doing it with podcasts, because the medium just speaks to them, right, because they can share their voice in a really authentic way. So those are sort of the three layers. And when you it’s really at that intersection, where you can find Oh, this is like my podcast idea. And I think this is what’s going to, you know, work in terms of my content marketing system. But I really think paying attention to your body, your energy is so important, and especially as empaths and sensitives, because that guides a lot of what into we’re intuitive, right, and that guides a lot of what we do. So it’s very similar with messaging when you’re trying to figure that out. And then also turning off the noise of other people, I would say, there’s so much room to compare, you know, in the online space. And I think that can really easily throw us off track. Because like you mentioned earlier, we are observers, we do take in a lot of content. And sometimes that can be a little detrimental. Like I think it’s great to kind of go in a room and be able to read people or be able to like take in lots of data. But when you’re trying to create, it can get noisy, right. So I think that’s another recommendation that I tell my clients is just sit with yourself don’t consume a lot while you’re trying to create because you don’t want your message to be diluted with other people’s messages or what you think you quote unquote, should be doing. So that’s another tip that I share with people too. It’s just like, quiet, you know, quiet the noise and kind of center.
Catherine A. Wood 17:21
Yeah, I appreciate that. I appreciate those multiple layers. I think it’s important to, like, certainly keep the keep the the North Star Central. But I do think and particularly for empaths, I think it’s important to also have an eye on how this contributes to your business. Because we’re so naturally givers, you know, that we often give and give and give at the detriment of ourselves. And, you know, if you’re not producing your podcast on your own, and you’re having a team produce it for you, which I know that’s what you do for your clients. And I have a producer for my podcast, like those expenses, they add up, and it’s an investment. And so you want to be really clear on what’s your ROI, you know, like, what, what are you hoping to gain from this podcast and not from a disingenuous place, but from a really aligned, clear direction and vision?
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 18:26
Yeah, absolutely. I think it’s so important not to miss the business piece, because we are all in business. And we’re not charities, even charities, though ask for money, you know, to run their organization. So yeah, I hear what you’re saying that we can tend to be givers. I know, I’m guilty of that. And it’s a great quality, but also, honoring our businesses so that we can do our best work and be compensated so that we can continue to you know, it’s the only way it’s sustainable,
Catherine A. Wood 19:02
literally. And something, something else I wanted to add is, you know, a couple years ago, I wrote a book on overcoming imposter syndrome. And there’s some really interesting research about how extroverts versus introverts overcome impostor syndrome. And the research suggests that across the board, introverts and extroverts equally experienced impostor syndrome, but that extra extroverts are typically more quickly able to overcome imposter imposter syndrome because they’re external processors. So they are more naturally and more quickly, willing and able and reliable to process their feelings of insecurity or inferiority with other people in order to get poured back into to get the reassurance the encouragement, the acknowledgement, the validation that they need. Whereas for us, introverts were internal processors. So we are so much more likely to be stuck in our heads, dealing with our feelings of inferiority and insecurity all on our own. And so our work is actually to process it on loudspeaker to more, more intentionally share those feelings with other people so that we can get poured back into more quickly. And, honestly, like, I just wanted to add to, to how to connect with your message that when I was first starting the podcast, I was on shaky ground, you know, there were certainly feelings of impostor syndrome that were coming up for me about all the reasons that I said earlier and more. And I shared them pretty, pretty openly, I think I’ve shared them on the podcast, but I shared them with one of, I think, my very first guest. And she, so like, vehemently acknowledged me and celebrated my message and why it needed to be heard and how much she believed in it. And, and she was just so impassioned about the way in which she validated my message and why I thought it was important to talk about that. It, it made a difference, like from from my bones to my heart like it, it really impacted me in a very lasting way. And it allowed me to, to connect with my message on a deeper level, and something that has continued to build into your to your earlier point around. You know, when you connect with your message, you can speak from a different place, like, I do feel that it’s allowed me to speak from my heart, and so much less from my self and self analysis. Or my judgy, my judgy head center. So I really, I just really appreciate your I appreciate your message and your commitment and amplifying those voices. Because I really, I think that there’s a gap, I think there’s a gap in the business wisdom that we’re still hearing about in so many spaces.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 22:23
Yeah, and you know, that’s why I think a lot of people come to me, and because, you know, I’m part of helping people start a podcast, which it took me a while to realize I have this VIP container where I really just kind of hold your hand through the whole process from ideation to actually like, launching into the world. And it took me a while to realize and get some feedback. Because, you know, some of my clients are introverts, but some of them are very, they’re established. And they to me seemed like they don’t have any problem using their voices. But the feedback was the validation piece that you kind of mentioned, like getting that from someone else who is, you know, fairly objective, right. I mean, obviously, they’re my clients, I want them to do well. But I think, you know, part of our gifts is that usually, you know, as empath is, like, we’re usually pretty honest, you know, in a caring way. And I don’t think we necessarily, I mean, this is, at least for me, I know people in my life, they know like, oh, Kristen, what she says, Is what she means. And I think my clients pick up on that too. And so when they hear me say like, oh, you’re amazing. Oh, you got this, of course, you know, I’ve told clients, similar to what someone told you like, of course, you should have a podcast like I don’t know why you don’t have one already. Because I really believe that and I really believe in their voice. But that piece they have reflected back to me is a very strong part of the process that the support that I give, and it’s funny because even the most like Polish sounding people, you know, are extroverts or introverts, like you still, it’s still so valuable to have that external. I don’t know if it’s validation, just encouragement or mirroring even, like how great they actually are. It’s not even that like, you’re getting that validation from me, it’s, it could even just be like, Oh, I’m seeing you seeing myself through your lens, right? And it’s like really just like, positive and true. Like I am that like badass speaker or you know, someone who should be you know, sharing their voice on a podcast, and I love what you said about you know, the research around how extroverts process and introverts very being very internal. I was thinking of myself and the little loop that goes on in my head, but I read something recently that said, that really resonated with me And I’m thinking well with your listeners, and it said, don’t worry alone. Like, oh, gosh, that’s three words. And it’s so, like profound, because I think we tend to do that and stay in our heads and process. And the whole point was that, you know, when you’re getting it out there, and you’re working with someone else, you’re so gonna get to like that solution. So much faster. But like you said, like, we it’s not our natural tendency, we have to remind ourselves to seek out that you know, other person or other people to help move us forward, literally.
Catherine A. Wood 25:45
And I also think the validation piece is important, because validation, is validation of an idea we already have. Right? Yeah, we are naturally intuitive. We do not need someone else to tell us what to do. Like, I mean, specifically, as a coach, you know, like, I love working with empaths. And highly sensitive because they really don’t need another business expert, or guru or consultant, like they don’t need one more person in their lives. To tell them what to do. They simply need a mirror and aligned values aligned mirror to help them access what they already know. And so the validation, the use of the word validation is so important, because we just need to be validated for what we already know to be true, so that we can access a deeper level of self belief in ourselves a deeper level of confidence and bravery and willingness to take the next step. But I think that one of our fears is that, you know, we we ask, we asked for advice, or we ask for guidance, when in reality, what we need is validation and reminders of who we are and what was possible for us. So I love that you use the word validation, because I think that’s so important.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 27:20
I was struggling with using that word a little bit, because I’m always cautious of like that ex needing external validation. To me, I think it has some negative connotation. But the way that you were describing it, I’m like, yeah, no, actually, that does make sense. And I don’t really feel a negative sense to the way that you’re describing it. And I think introverts and pass like, we can be super critical on ourselves. And I think I read somewhere to that we tend to kind of, I don’t know, if it was like, more easily make ourselves wrong, or we do a lot of comparing. And the and like, conclusion is that we are somehow wrong like that, that’s something that we often do tend to do. So I’m, I’m hearing like, we do kind of need that validation from the outside a little bit more. Because we’re in our heads kind of doing that weird dance. That’s not always, you know, that isn’t truthful. It’s just this lens that we contend to have. And so having the someone outside of us help call us out, is valuable. But uh, yeah, I was struggling with that a little that word a little bit since like, oh, I don’t have any mixed emotions around it. And plus, you know, language, I think is really important to me, nuanced, you know, language is important, but that’s why I like having this conversation with you, because we can dive into it a little bit.
Catherine A. Wood 28:49
You know, when I, I am so grateful that you shared that because that is a, a very typical response that I get from clients across the board, around like both this need for validation, this kind of deep need, and also this, this unwillingness or resistance to receive it, because we feel like we shouldn’t, or we should be able to do it on our own or, you know, like, shouldn’t we be independent, but in reality, like, I, I typically start almost all my coaching calls with an invitation to invite clients to share wins. And I think it’s powerful to express their wins rather than just write them in a check in sheet like it takes like an another dimension of self ownership by being willing to share them with your voice. But at the end of every coaching call, I also invite clients to share what they’d like to be acknowledged for what they’d like to be celebrated for and across the board. My clients resist both of these As practices and over time, come to deeply appreciate them. And I think one of the reasons that we all because I certainly used to be in that camp to both face that resistance and benefit from it is that when we share wins, and when we allow ourselves to be acknowledged, in my experience, it allows us to embody our growth to a new dimension, like it allows us to own at a deeper level, who we’re becoming how we’ve progressed, what we’ve overcome. And isn’t that what it’s all about?
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 30:46
Yeah, I love that, that that’s how you have your, you know, cause set up, I think it’s so true. And I have such a recent experience that similar so I have a group of two other woman and we meet every Friday, we’ve been meeting every Friday for maybe two months now. And randomly, the last time we I think I shared a win or something around that. And then I was like, something lit up at me, I’m like, This is how we need to kick off every every chat. So it’s like a business buddies chat, we can help support each other. We’re both all introverts and empaths, and sensitives. And so this last Friday, we kicked it off that way. And the energy was like, fire, like we were just. So instead of like coming with problems, can we help each other like, you know, solve them, we came with these really great wins that we had for the week, and hearing you talk about how that helps you embody sort of like your next level, or like your expansion. I hadn’t connected those dots, but I just knew I felt really good. And now I’m like, Okay, this is why this is so important to do as a business owner, and then also for, you know, for your clients. I do these audits for people who have started podcasts, and maybe they’re been doing it for a little while, and they’re like, I don’t know what I’m doing right or wrong. And I do always put wins in there, like what are you we have to talk about what you’re doing, right? Because there’s no way that you’re doing nothing? Right. And I think, you know, it’s, it’s helpful to at least bring some of that in, so that people can see, yeah, I pay my may not really know what I’m doing. Or I may not be getting this, right. But there’s a reason why, like, I’m continuing with this, I have a curiosity, I want to keep going I want to grow. Because it’s some there’s something you’re doing right. And it’s just a great place to start or just like infuse in, you know, the our session that we’re, you know, have together.
Catherine A. Wood 33:08
Yeah, I mean, I love that I love I love that you kind of organically, were able to experience how much better it felt in your nervous systems, how much more use the word fire, like the energy was when you started with wins? Because I think the the thought that comes to mind is like, I think that for so many of us are heart centered business owners like we, we feel that business is supposed to be hard or that we need to hustle or that we need to grind like, and I think that you know, it makes sense. Like I think that that’s a lot of the subconscious programming that that we were, you know, that we’re operating with. But in reality, like, didn’t we go into business to have more fun? Didn’t we go into business? To have more agency over our time? Didn’t we go into business to grow and to elevate and to feel good and to have more autonomy? And yet, I think we often we often forget that. That we get to have that experience now that we get to allow ourselves to feel good now that we get to celebrate ourselves. Now in this moment that it doesn’t have to be this delayed gratification game because then once we arrive like how are we ever going to know that we got there? Like if we don’t come to appreciate ourselves on the journey? Why would we ever think that will aid be able to have the capacity to appreciate ourselves later.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 34:58
It’s so much of that As resonating with me, because it’s something that I really am do continue to struggle with, you know, we’re working on that for a long time, staying in the present, you know, appreciating the now and not planning for, you know, not always looking ahead. I think part of it is programming, right? It’s like, we live in a society that’s very goal oriented. And then very much about productivity, you know, more is better. And it’s easy to get caught up in that. And there, I think so many of the beliefs are just so ingrained that we have to actively be diligent about, you know, thinking about things differently, and honoring our own energy and what’s really good for us. But yeah, I’ve been thinking about that, you know, a lot lately, I have this opportunity with a potential client and I, I have to admit, I keep thinking, and it’s not a it’s not in the podcasting realm. It’s more in the marketing realm. And I have to keep reminding myself, Oh, I have to just do this, how am I going to do this? I find myself because it is kind of like a corporate space opportunity. I kind of find myself thinking, Oh, I have how I have to do it in the right steps. And I’m constantly like, no, no, you’re Kurt, you’ve created your own steps, you created your own path to helping people. And that’s what’s valuable, because it is different. But I tell you, Catherine, it’s a struggle to like stay the course and, you know, not feel cool to like, do things in someone else’s way. But you’re so right, like, this is why we started our businesses.
Catherine A. Wood 36:52
Oh, I love that. That’s what you took from my share, because I could not agree more like I, you know, I lived in DC for a decade, for the last decade, I was in DC, and I recently relocated to Boston, and in the DC area, I worked with so many high level attorneys, and politicians, and corporate, you know, like, just like, such a, such a power struggle, and they were, so many of the clients that I’ve worked with over the years are deeply intelligent, and deeply cerebral, and so much of their work is to open their heart center and to reconnect with what brings them joy and their desires and know like to reconnect with who they used to know themselves to be that many of them lost in kind of the journey to become the best of the best in their fields. And so much of so much of my journey has been about trusting my process, trusting how I create the foundational structures with clients, how I do things, and enrolling them in my structure versus defaulting to their, you know, kind of stress to know where we’re going and what we’re doing and why we’re doing it this way. Why can’t we move faster and, and, you know, my, my background is in economics, so my own work in in my, in those conversations is often to stay so connected with my heart and my intuition, so that I can really be that grounded clearing to help them connect with theirs. And it’s gotten a lot easier over the years and with practice, but but I just I really resonate, resonate with your
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 38:51
Yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s tough when, when, especially when you’re going to sort of for me, it’s going back into that kind of space, but not quite, it’s like, okay, I’m not gonna be working for that, but I’m going to be consulting but it’s like, I’m still filling those pools, you know, those, it’s just the energy and I think there’s expectations, I’m just a reminder that, you know, that intellect can be really valued, valued, so much, sometimes that the intuitive and the heart it can get just kind of lost. And I think there’s so much power when you actually connect the two. And, you know, I know that so important in your work and it’s definitely important in mine, you know, I used to develop thought leaders, you know, we’d create their plans and we’d you know, tap into like, what they what they knew and I always tried to add an element of a capable like, what are you passionate about, like, not just about their, you know, industry knowledge and now Stepping back, you know, I’ve really realized that there are so many other layers to being a thought leader, besides just maybe your years of experience, your accolades, your intellect, even, it’s like, well, what about wisdom? What about, you know, the life experiences? And age doesn’t always mean wisdom, you know, where can we tap into different perspectives, different stories to find leaders. So that’s another thing I’m doing that I’m really passionate about is kind of trying to open that up, you know, broaden people’s ideas of where can these leading voices come from? And how can we look at leading voices in a little bit of a deeper way? You know, how can we tap into personal growth and learning and add that layer? And I mean, it doesn’t get any juicier than that, right. So I think just looking at ways to tap into your voice, and just a lot more nuanced way than I know this. And I think this is, you know, a lot of the work that we did was kind of predicting trends. And you know, what I think is so much more valuable that I’ve seen in this online entrepreneur shape. Space is people actually not just predicting what changes are going to be, but actually being that change that they want to see. And I’ve seen that so often in this space. And I’m just like, This is why I’m here. Because whether it’s creating a podcast, or creating a business that looks at things differently, and actually changes the narrative, like I think that’s just so powerful. Well, I
Catherine A. Wood 41:52
love that, and I, you know, you’re, you’re talking about like tapping into people’s message. And I think the thing that I am appreciating about our conversation is that you’ve tapped into your message too. And there are so many online business owners, I know who work in the, in the marketing and media space, who are so committed to promoting other people’s messages, and platforms, and brands, at the expense of their own. And you have your own podcast, also, you know, you’re really committing to both owning other people’s message and owning yours. And I’m wondering, like, what that journey was like for you. Because I don’t know many people who’ve done it. So I really acknowledge you for that.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 42:45
Yeah, it’s so funny. Sometimes I forget that everyone has a podcast, or not every business the business owner does. And because I started with podcasting, and then I started the business, just, you know, having my comms background, I’m like, Oh, I can help other people. And I love this medium. But yeah, I really, there’s something to walking the talk. I think that really resonates with me, and I certainly don’t think everyone has to do that, or that makes me any more qualified. But I do like to have the experience to draw on. And so that I can really relate to my clients like, Yes, I know what it’s like to try to put myself you know, start to put myself out there, I’ve been through that journey of talking myself through the imposter syndrome or getting support, or it. I know what it’s like to create a show and all these things, I think just adds value. And also, I think I do have something to say like I see myself in my clients where, you know, I think I have always had a voice but I didn’t know how to use it. And I didn’t know how to show up. And that’s been a very part important part of my personal journey, my personal growth in terms of like, visibility and being comfortable and, you know, leveraging this podcast and then beyond, you know, stages, like that’s been part of my story, and I think it’s just, it’s like that values, right? When you have a values based business, it’s just like your own journey can very much inform you know, how you help others and what’s important to you. But yeah, I just, I really I just think it’s so important for myself to have a voice and feel like I have a place to share what I want to share and to help people how I want to help people and then also be able to do that for others. Just bear in mind with my, my values. Yeah, you said
Catherine A. Wood 44:55
use the term walk the talk and I I think that’s one of my favorite aspects of working with empaths. And highly sensitive is we are practiced in walking the talk, and it can create such natural and instantaneous rapport, and connection and intimacy and alignment because because of our willingness to walk the talk, I think that’s one of the reasons I love hosting the podcast is because intimate connection and conversation is, is so often available because of that values alignment, and that willingness to do what we say we’ll do and say what we do. Well, this has been, this has been really awesome. I’ve loved having you on the podcast. And I know we planned this several months ago. So I’m happy that we finally made it happen. And and as we wrap for today, like I have two closing questions like I would love to know where my audience can find you where you’d like them to begin. Yeah,
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 46:05
so you could head on over to podcast and amplify.com. And you’ll be able to learn about me. Any resources I have there you can grab. And if you wanted to connect with me on social you can that’s the that’s the place to go is podcast and amplify.com.
Catherine A. Wood 46:23
Perfect. Well, we’ll add that in the show notes for sure. As well as all your socials and in closing, what has made the difference for you and becoming a prosperous empath?
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 46:36
So, I think we a little, little second because I’m a processor. And of course, you know, we like to really give meaningful answers as empaths what’s made the difference? I think trusting myself, that’s what’s coming up for me right now. It’s bubbling up. I think, like I talked about earlier, I was speaking, you know, largely from my experience of making myself wrong or preparing myself and not feeling like I had the answer and or the answers or the quote unquote, right way to do things. And it’s really been a journey for me of leaning into my intuition, everything that I know how I am, you know, just just believing that. Okay, how you are as an empath is like, exactly how you need to be, and you can trust yourself. And so for me, that’s been really huge. And it’s let me let go of a lot of tension. And I’ve definitely found myself especially this year, just being so fluid and moving so easily through my business and through life. And it really does come down to not questioning myself. You near as much anymore and just kind of like trusting myself and trusting the process.
Catherine A. Wood 48:07
Love that here like that. From self trust, we can detach from the outcome and have more ease and trust along the way. Yes, Kristen, thank you so much. It’s been like a complete joy and delight to have you today loved our conversation.
Kristin Quiroz Bayona 48:25
Thank you so much for having me. I love this conversation as well.

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Thriving as an Empathpreneur in These Turbulent Times
Welcome back, today I want to talk about some ways that we as empathpreneurs and leaders can set ourselves up to thrive in a world that is feeling increasingly chaotic and unsafe for so many. As empaths are uniquely motivated by impact and mission, now more than ever, we need to be committed to thriving—not surviving. I think that leading with heart, learning how to make continued strategic decisions in the face of uncertain times in this VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world that we’re facing is the key to creating lasting positive change.
Visit this episode’s show notes page here.
The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.