Aug 08, 2023 | Podcast, Your Business
Putting an End to Self-Silencing with Fifi Mason
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About the episode:
I felt so at home this week on the podcast with guest Fifi Mason, The Introvert’s Impact Coach. She inspires quiet introverts to find their voice, get visible and confidently share their ideas with the world and this is evident throughout our conversation. Fifi’s work centers around helping her clients overcome what she coined “self-silence” – something that we all struggle with and will feel familiar as you listen. She shares the importance of belonging and creating frameworks that support your vision, values, and ideas that you want to share with the world. We fit so much into this hour and I can’t wait for you to tune in!
Topics discussed:
- How Fifi found her calling as The Introvert’s Impact Coach
- What made the biggest difference for Fifi as she’s gone through her self-discovery journey and what has supported her the most
- The importance of belonging, especially as an introvert and/or empath
- The 3 Bs that make up Fifi’s visibility pillars
- What self-silencing is and what it means to Fifi and how it’s been a reflection of her own journey
- Acknowledging the impact that the opinions of your closest friends and family may have on your business
- Letting yourself truly own your beliefs while trusting what you have to say is valid and important
- How to begin your own self-discovery work to end your own self-silencing and embrace who you are
- How to create frameworks that support your vision, values and ideas that you want to share with the world
About Fifi:
Fifi Mason is The Introvert’s Impact Coach. She inspires quiet introverts to find their voice, get visible and confidently share their ideas with the world. She specializes in helping introverted life coaches step into their quiet power, so they can make an impact and transform lives – on their terms.
She lives in a quaint village in Lincolnshire UK, and loves spending her free time exploring the countryside with her beloved huskies, Winter and Kylo, who help her stay in touch with her values and recharge her introvert energy.
Fifi is a Personal Brand & Visibility Coach, Founder of The Quietly Influential Summit and VP of IntrovertU Entrepreneur.
“I believe that we are all here for a reason, and that our unique gifts can make a difference in the world. I also know that many of us don’t feel comfortable putting ourselves ‘out there.’ We’re introverts or shy, and we would rather stay under the radar. That’s where I come in.”
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Catherine A. Wood 07:27
Fifi, um, I’m so thrilled to have you on the podcast today. I think that we connected because a mutual friend, Jen Corcoran. had had said I should chat with you. And, and it’s been so fun kind of following you online and getting to peer into your world. So welcome to the podcast.
Fifi Mason 08:04
Thank you so much for having me.
Catherine A. Wood 08:08
I I’d love to just invite you to kick us off today by sharing a little bit about your story and and how you got to how you got to be here.
Fifi Mason 08:18
Yeah, certainly. So I, I’m a personal brand strategist and personal brand coach. And I work with introverted quiet, introverted coaches. And it’s been a journey to this point, really, it didn’t start off with me working with introverts or working in personal branding at all. I started off as a brand and website designer back in 2018. And I had a fairly successful year in my first year, it all kind of blew up and was I got some amazing opportunities with some incredible people just through word of mouth referrals and a little bit of a little bit of networking in Facebook groups, which was quite interesting. And after that year, I started to attract clients that weren’t particularly my ideal clients. So I would have to get up and work on projects that I wasn’t keen on working on doing things I wasn’t really enjoying and really just being asked to do things, which I didn’t really agree with. And I found that was because I found that was because I was not attracting the right kinds of clients. Because I wasn’t being myself. I wasn’t sure I grew up, I wasn’t being open and showing who I am or what my values are, and all of that kind of stuff. So I was at this really tricky point in my business where I was debating whether to go back to work work with someone else. Because these clients, that they were leaving me in tears, some of them and I just didn’t even want to get out of bed in the morning to go and do the work for them. So I, I had to make some changes and drastic changes in my business. And that’s when I went on this self discovery journey as what I describe it as, and it was developing my personal brand, I started working with a business coach, and really learning more about personal branding and what it means and all of the different stages to personal branding. And that’s when I found what I really wanted to do. And that part was personal branding, it was helping clients helping my branding clients really figure themselves out before they get to the stage of branding that business. And so I started going down that path. And the more I learned about myself, the more I realized that it was because of my introverted, quiet personality that I just really struggled and had a lot of challenges with putting myself out there and showing up and all of those things that came along with it. And it just made so much sense to them niche down and and focus on working with quiet introverted business owners and quite an introverted coaches to help them to really start making an impact in the way that feels more aligned with who they are, and with their personality. So yeah, I went on this whole discovery journey, and ended up helping introverts with their personal brand.
Catherine A. Wood 12:09
You know, I’m having this very distinct experience being with you in this moment, that is actually the exact same experience, I had the last time that we had a virtual chat, which I don’t think I shared with you that it’s so easy being with you, because you are so grounded in who you are. And I think, you know, being intuitive, empaths and insensitive, like we, we just, we discern our people, right. It’s like, we just kind of like know who our people are. And, and we can also sense those who’ve, who’ve done their work. And it’s just really clear in being with you, how grounded you are, and how, how much you actually have done your own self discovery work to discern who you really are and what you’re about and what you believe in. You people often reflect to me that same thing, that I’m very grounded, and it’s just a joy being with you because of how grounded you are. And I think that a lot of my listeners are, are in that place of being on their own self discovery journeys, and really trying to discern who they really are, so that they can build their business in alignment with as the expression of who they are and their values and what they believe and how they, how they want to work and operate in their life. And so, yeah, I’m just curious, like, as you as you have embarked on your self discovery journey over the past five, six years, like, what, what’s made the biggest difference for you? Or what is supported you most in in answering those questions for yourself?
Fifi Mason 13:52
Well, yeah, part of that journey of developing your personal brand really starts with who you are. And that’s the fundamental part. And figuring out what, what your passion is, what your purpose is, your values, and really aligning your business with those. And then it’s really starting to think about who you can help the most and who you can impact the most. And finding your niche and finding the people that need what you have to offer. And then it’s really communicating that communicating what everything that you are, and I’m really understanding the needs of the people that you help the most. And once you can communicate all of that, that’s when things start to happen. That’s when the opportunities start to come to you. That’s when everything feels more aligned and natural and you show up feeling much more, much more in alignment and have a have a sense of belonging. So, I have what I call the three B’s in or also called the visibility pillars and the and they are the three B’s which are belief, belief in yourself knowing yourself balance knowing your energy, which is crucial for for us introverts and also empaths. And then also belonging and belonging is once you have that belonging, you know your place, you know your people, that is when you feel so much more confident and comfortable doing what you’re doing, and it just gives you the, the energy, the, what I call soul energy to keep going and keep, keep yourself moving forward and taking action.
Catherine A. Wood 15:58
Yeah, I love that. I’m, like, shaking aggressively over here. Because like, I couldn’t agree more. And I think that yeah, belief, balance and, and belonging, like, I think that belonging is, it’s been so key to my own journey. And, and I’m, I’m kind of consistently reminded, when we create that sense of belonging with ourselves, we create that belonging externally as well, right? Like, the more we access, that sense of belonging within, the more we find our people and our community and our environment and permission to be ourselves more consistently and reliably, everywhere all the time.
Fifi Mason 16:41
Definitely, yeah. When we have belonging, this is one of the hierarchy of needs. And when you find your place, the place where you feel most comfortable, the most, that the person, you’re right where you need to be, and you’re the person that you need to be. And when you’re sat in that belonging space, that is when you it just gives you the confidence and the and the power to step out there and do the things that you need to do. Yeah,
Catherine A. Wood 17:18
I was I just recorded a podcast episode yesterday. With a, she’s a speaker, consultant. And we were also talking about belonging and how important belonging is in owning your message and telling your story. And it’s very affirming for me, because I wrote a book called belonging in 2020. So it’s so fun hearing, hearing, so many people who have this values alignment with me talking about this and being a stand for sharing this message. And I think it’s really in alignment with what you and I are going to talk about, which I know is something that’s really important to you right now, which is this concept of, of self silencing, which I’ve never heard before. So I would love for you to share with my audience like, what is self silencing? What does it mean to you?
Fifi Mason 18:09
Yes. So self silencing is, is when we don’t speak out, we dismiss our own ideas or opinions and our perspectives. And we keep ourselves from being authentic for fear of, for fear of consequences. And I, I have been doing a bit of work recently on going back to my purpose. And when I do this with my clients, I asked the question, What did you see in the world that you wanted to change? And I thought, it’s time for me to go back and really reflect on that, what have I seen, what am I seeing in the world that I want to change? And this is what has what has kind of shifted for me, towards helping my clients with self silencing and to stop self silencing. Because I’ve noticed that it’s important for everyone to have a voice, in life in business in society. And I see so many quiet, introverted individuals, people who can make a huge difference in the world and transform lives, but they’re just holding themselves back. And they they have ideas, they have perspectives and opinions that we actually need in the world. And so my mission has kind of shifted to help them to find their voice and move past the discomfort to stop self silencing and really start to show up and Really, there’s nothing stopping us but ourselves, we, we are the ones that we can we can actually do this, we just need to move past it. So that is kind of what self silencing looks like. But there are probably five different sorry. There are probably there are five different ways to, or reasons why we sell silence and different different ways that I have noticed that people sell silence that we can go through. Just to give examples.
Yeah, for sure. I
Catherine A. Wood 20:48
mean, as you were sharing about that concept, like I just, you know, is thinking about for me, and like, oftentimes the way in which I sell silence, it comes out as sheepish pneus. Like there are, you know, beliefs I have, or ways that I operate in my business, which, over the years have occurred as, as sheepish because they’re not necessarily what I was taught, or what I see others doing. And what I mean, and hearing and hearing you share, like, I think that, that sheepish pneus for me is simply an often a reflection of something that really works for me, and I just haven’t owned it. And I do think that that was in large part why I launched the podcast, because so many of the ways in which I operate as an empath in business are in stark contrast to how I was trained as a coach. And, and really the ways in which I’ve kind of, you know, built this, this harvesting this harvesting mindset, rather this rather than this like hunting model, you know, like, I think, in business, so many of us are kind of taught that we need to like hunt for clients go after them, you know, bring this real masculine energy and, and me too, and I think that the more feminine approach to business where there’s more flow and ease and welcoming people in has been something that I have personally stopped self silencing over the years and really owned that. This is what I believe and you can thrive in business, and you can build a very lucrative business, when you really own your values and how you choose to operate. And clearly my dog is agreeing because she is barking in the background. So So yeah, let’s, let’s, let’s really dig into these five ways in which we sell silence.
Fifi Mason 22:56
Yeah, but that that was a great, a great description of how of how someone could be self silencing and noticing that is is just crucial, because then you can shift and change and, and work through through whatever it is that stopping you. But yeah, so there are five, five reasons that we saw silenced or the at least the five reasons that I have kind of noticed the most and, and these come up the most with my clients or with those who I speak to. And so the first one is, you’re terrified of sharing more about yourself, your views and your business because of what they might think of you what people might think of you. And this is specifically the opinions of those who matter most to you. So your friends, your family, colleagues, peers and clients. So you’re constantly worrying about their opinions and it’s those who matter to you. And it’s that fear of rejection coming up it’s holding back because you feel like they’re going to change their opinion of you because of something you might say or or do. So that’s one of the most common reasons people will self silence.
Catherine A. Wood 24:26
Can I just stop pause you there because I think that is such a key one for for introverts and empaths. Because we have such a default commitment to relationship to maintaining and prioritizing relationship and I think we often shape shift or kind of, you know, wear this camouflage archetype so as to maintain relationship or protect them or you know, be Someone other than who we really are in order to hold on to that relationship, when in reality, I think the journey of every Empath, who’s committed to really healing their disenfranchised parts is that we have to own who we really are. And in that journey, we oftentimes do lose relationships, we lose those relationships that are unhealthy, or where there’s kind of that unnatural balance between how much we give, and how much others take from us. So we do I think that I really love that you started there, because I think that is the journey of it’s certainly been my journey. And I think so many of my listeners will resonate with that, that just that reminder that we really have to own and acknowledge where we are shape shifting, where where not being our full selves so as to maintain relationships or care for other people or hold on to something that, you know, may not potentially always be for us.
Fifi Mason 26:18
Yes, definitely. And, and we can get into some of the ways we can navigate these things later in the conversation. But yeah, this one, this one is probably the biggest one for specifically introverts and probably empaths, as well. So I do see this one a lot, it comes up so much. And it’s just, yeah, worrying that people are going to reject you reject your ideas and change their opinions of you because of what you’re talking about what you’re doing what you’re saying. And it’s really that key noticing who those people are as well, is the people that matter to you. I think we could get past the whole stranger on social media, we could probably, we can probably ignore that. But we will always still hold on to what is my voice my best friend gonna say? Or what would my mom say things like that, it’s, we’re still going to have those and need to work through to move past that. And to really be able to speak out and stop self silencing.
Catherine A. Wood 27:32
Okay, what’s next? Okay, so
Fifi Mason 27:34
next is your, you are afraid that being too promotional, or expressing opinions that don’t align with someone else’s will upset them. You feel responsible for other people’s feelings, even if it means sacrifice, even if it means sacrificing your own growth and success. And the way other people’s opinions is suffocating you and you’re struggling to find your voice. So this one is a very common again, it’s worrying that you’re going to do something to promotional put off your clients, put people off because you’re, you’re trying to sell something to them, and they instantly are going to hate it. You take responsibility, or the feelings that they’re going to have when they see that social media post of you selling something and we need to kind of move past that, that worry that we’re going to upset people and move past it so that we can grow and be successful.
Catherine A. Wood 28:51
I mean, I’m still nodding aggressively over here. Because I these are brilliant Fifi like I think that you know, something I often share in my mastermind with with our mastermind errs is this reminder that if you think you’re being salesy, you are, right, it’s like if this default fear and orientation towards how you may be showing up is kind of driving your energy then that’s likely the energy that you’re giving off. And I think for you know, for us introverts and, and intuitive empaths like we have to be really clear about our intentions, our commitments, and and our values so that we can really come from those grounded places. Yeah, I really I really love that like I think I think it’s it’s so important to just be really clear about your who you’re committed to being in the matter. And coming from that place.
Fifi Mason 29:53
Yeah, definitely. It’s just, I think this one It was one that I struggled with the most in those early days of worrying or being too promotional. I, there was a mixture there was a lot of I wasn’t being myself, but also I didn’t ever want to post anything about, about what I was doing, I would just post generic facts and figures, and hoped that that would attract the sorts of clients that I wanted. And, and it didn’t, it didn’t work for and it doesn’t work, you have to really think about all of these elements of your personal brand and be able to put yourself out there in all these different ways and being promotional as part of that. And it’s definitely a struggle for a lot of people.
Yeah, okay, what’s next?
Fifi Mason 30:54
Next up, we have, you often feel like your thoughts, ideas, and opinions are insignificant and won’t make a difference to anyone. The fear of being overlooked, and an unheard is crushing your spirit, and you’re losing confidence in your ability to contribute to the world around you. So quite a powerful one, which is, yeah, you don’t feel like anyone’s gonna care what you have to say. And this is another huge reason why. A lot of a lot of us self silence.
Catherine A. Wood 31:39
Yeah, I mean, I think this is just a reminder for why why introverted business owners need to be telling their stories and sharing their messages, because there is a large audience that’s just waiting for people and voices like theirs to take up more space, to have those models and those champions to really esteem and, and feel encouraged by and called forth body. You know, like, I I love that. Like, I think that. Yeah, when I started my business, like I didn’t, I didn’t see others in business running. They’re running their business talking like I do. So. I yeah, I couldn’t agree more.
Fifi Mason 32:30
Yeah, it’s, it’s one of those things that when you when you start to really get to, to a point where you’re confident, and in your beliefs and your opinions that and your story, as you were saying, that’s when you kind of let go of this one. But as I said, Well, we’ll get into what you can do to move past some of these things in a little while. But yeah, that was number three. So number four, is you worry about being challenged or questioned on your ideas, and fear, you won’t be able to defend yourself effectively. You have, you might have the, you might have a worry of being seen as like foolish or being proven wrong or struggled to assert yourself in a certain situation. And just that idea of being challenged can put you off doing something in the first place.
Catherine A. Wood 33:40
Yeah, I mean, I, you know, I work with a lot of clients who are sensitive empaths. And I think something that they struggle with across the board is this idea of just having this commitment to, to relationship and maintaining relationship. And I think there’s oftentimes this, this posturing around really being willing to, to own what they think, or how they need to work in business, because they’re afraid of being challenged. And something that we often have a really great laugh about after the fact is that I think so many of us make it a bigger deal in our heads, this idea around the ways in which we’ll be challenged by our clients or potential clients than it actually turns out to be like, it’s always it’s typically so much bigger of a deal in our heads and in reality,
Fifi Mason 34:39
definitely, you build up so much and you, you worry what people are going to say what people are going to think what people are going to question you about, and it just becomes this bigger thing. And actually, I might share a reframing technique that works quite well with this which I He, previously and that is I can’t remember who came up with this. And I really wish I knew. But it’s very simple three sentences or three questions, which is, what is the worst that can happen? What is the best that can happen? And what is most likely to happen? And when you ask yourself, those three questions, you really come to the conclusion that the most likely thing to happen isn’t that big of a deal. And if you were to get challenged, the probably would be something quite simple that you could answer. So when we start to really break it down, it does, it does make things a little bit easier.
Catherine A. Wood 35:45
Totally. I’m taking that one. Gorgeous, love it.
Fifi Mason 35:49
Yeah, I do wish I remembered who who came up with it. It’s very, very simple and easy to remember. So that was before. And the fifth and final reason you might be self silencing is, you often imagine people laughing at you or not taking you seriously, leaving you feeling isolated and alone. The fear of being ostracized is paralyzing. And your ability to connect with others is your you are the fear of being rejected. And apostasy ostracized, I honestly cannot say that word,
Catherine A. Wood 36:28
don’t worry, we can we can go edit that out and start over.
Fifi Mason 36:33
The fear of being rejected and ostracized, is paralyzing your ability to connect with others, and you’re struggling to find your place in the world. So that is the fifth and final one. And it’s more around feeling like you might do something, and someone might think it’s silly, someone might think you’re unprofessional, that one comes up a lot. And I think for a lot of people starting out as well, this is a huge one, that fear of not being professional and, and you thinking that you have to do everything in a certain way to be seen as credible. But it comes again, back to the fear of rejection and not feeling like you have found your place in the world.
Catherine A. Wood 37:29
You know, I’m just I’m really struck by how deeply wise these points are. And, and I’m imagining that they’re really personal to you, because I think so much of our life’s work that we share is deeply personal to us and a reflection of our journeys. And so I’m curious how, how this has is a reflection is an has been a reflection of your journey.
Fifi Mason 37:55
Oh, definitely every single one of these variants. And I’d been working through and I think the one the most recent one is the is the actual, putting my thoughts and ideas out there and not feeling like they’re insignificant. I think that’s for me being the most recent, but throughout my journey, I’ve gone through all of these, these five things and worked through them and, and still have some struggles with them. I mean, that’s why every every stage of your business, you’re going to experience new things and new challenges and new approaches to how it might show up, basically. So it’s always going to be a challenge to keep working through but to be conscious of and know how to work through certain areas and certain things. But yeah, that’s definitely yeah, they’ve all definitely things that I’ve been through.
Catherine A. Wood 39:00
Well, so I mean, I think I think it really begs the question, you know, so as, as our listeners are really noticing the ways in which they do self silence. Where do you recommend they start, like how can they begin their own self discovery work to, to embrace more of who they really are?
Fifi Mason 39:23
Well, it starts with acknowledging which of those, even if all of them are something that is holding you back and knowing what they are, and then I go back to the visibility pillars or the three B’s and they are the three things that we are lacking that we need, and they are the solution, as well as as a problem. So we’re lacking belief, which is very clear and a lot of those but belief in ourselves believe in, in our opinions or perspectives. or ideas in who we are as a person, we’re lacking belief. So we need that belief, we also need the balance because specifically, we’re introverted. Business owners, we need to have a good balance on our energy and, and definitely for empaths as well with your emotional energy, it’s very, very crucial. So knowing your energy, knowing what you’re capable of, as well. And that’s part of balance and knowing what your balance is. And then we also have belonging. So that is, knowing your purpose, knowing your place, and knowing your people, and really connecting with them knowing who you really help the most. And, and going back to that first question that I mentioned that at the beginning, what did you see in the world that you wanted to change, because that is your purpose. And you will see, you will figure out who you really want to help the most, when you start to dig into that question, dig deeper into it, and really narrow down what you have seen what you want to do, or what you want to change in the world. And that’s when you get that sense of belonging. So yeah, it comes back to those three B’s.
Catherine A. Wood 41:26
You know, I’m feeling I’m feeling a little fired up by this conversation, because I, I’m just appreciating that so many of our listeners will resonate with this conversation. And also, you know, may have feelings of insecurity around this conversation, and
Furies still there. Oh. My camera’s just gone. Okay.
Fifi Mason 42:02
My audio is still fine. Okay. All right.
Catherine A. Wood 42:12
Because I think introverts are so we’re so self reflective. We’re so willing to discern our opportunities for growth and opportunities for new awarenesses. And I think we’re oftentimes the first ones to say it, right? Like, oh, I’m feeling insecure about this or I’m feeling, you know, like, I don’t belong. And it’s not to say that extroverts don’t similarly experience these challenges or feelings of insecurity or inferiority or imposter syndrome. I think just introverts and and sensitive Empath, like we’re just, we’re so we’re so we’re so frickin self aware, you know, we’re so much more likely to share it and, and at least distinguish it right? Maybe not even necessarily share it externally. And I think it’s also just really important to normalize. As introverts that, you know, we, we’ve grown up in an extroverted world, we’ve grown up in an extroverted education system where we were told and, and educated that we needed to be loud, and we needed to speak up, and we needed to talk more and, you know, hang out, Warren. And I think it’s just really important to normalize the the journey of introverts that we’ve been fighting an uphill battle because we’ve been educated to be someone other than who we really are. And I do think that it’s, you know, only in the past decade and, and for me, at least, it started with reading quiet by Susan Cain. For me, that book really normalized my own experience of being an introvert inside of an extroverted world and how much of a challenge and a disadvantage that that puts us against and so so your three B’s like really, really bring it home? For me? It’s not it’s not that our that introverts are more insecure or experienced greater imposter syndrome. They just weren’t there their own. Our own journeys weren’t accepted and embraced in the same way our extroverted peers were.
Fifi Mason 44:38
Yeah, definitely. I completely resonate with all of that and how, yeah, how we just need to see figure out who we are and like you say we’re very introspective. And so it is something that we can work on and do but if you’re not doing it, and you’re not thinking of add it in the right ways, then it becomes one why why is it useful? Why do I need to know how to do this? What’s it going to help me with in my business. And I think that’s another connection that you have to make. Because Because if if you start a business and you don’t put yourself into it, it’s, it’s just, it’s not going to have the impact that it could have, if you were fully embedded into your business, specially as a solopreneur. As someone who is the one who provides the service, or is the coach, you are the one in your business that people need to know they need to. They need to trust you and and understand what you’re all about and feel like they align with you. So when you do the work, and you do it, right, and then you embed it into your business in the right way, that’s when you can take things to the next level and you connect with your audience and resonate with them in all the ways that you need to attract the clients that you really want to work with the most. So yeah.
Catherine A. Wood 46:17
Well, I know, I mean, I, I know that really, the work that you are, are doing have done with yourself and are sharing in your world is really in support of helping introverted entrepreneurs, like claim more visibility, feel more empowered to be visible and take up more space. And I think that’s something I really appreciate about you. And your journey is that you’ve become highly visible in a lot of ways like I know that you host the quietly and quietly influential summit and that you’ve partnered with Matthew Pollard to to launch introvert you Academy. And I mean, reading his book, The introverts edge was so deeply impactful for me, and it’s certainly a favorite of our mastermind. And so I’m curious, like, yeah, what, what really? What has your journey been like? And really claiming that visibility and feeling comfortable being visible in such in such big ways? And what would you share with, with my audience that’s really made a difference for you?
Fifi Mason 47:41
Well, actually, I wasn’t going to get into this today. But this is one of the things that I have, I have realized over the last year or so, and have been developing into writing a book about impact, and it’s called Impact rules. And the idea is that I noticed and, and have had these rules that I live by, and use them in, and they actually follow the belief, balance and belonging, sense. And the same track that that kind of flows on, it’s all coming together in the last year or so just as this concept, this framework, this idea of how you have rules for yourself to how you show up in the world, basically. And so, I have three sets of rules, principle rules, power rules, and purpose rules, and they relate back to the belief in myself, my principles, the power that I have, which is having balance, and then also the belonging piece, knowing where I belong, and knowing my purpose. And so I realized that I have these rules that I follow and, and I had been doing it sort of subconsciously for some time, but it just all kind of started to come together and be a noticeable difference. And so, these roles kind of look like this. So principal roles are your outlook, your outlook and your ideals. And I have rules such as speak up for what you believe in, even if it goes against popular opinion, which is my values, one of my values. And also surround yourself with people you admire and respect. Which, as you were mentioning, that’s like my partnerships, the mentors, I have the coaches I work with the people like you that I connect with that. That goes back to my approach to a lot of those things. Then I have my power rules which you is creating balance for myself. And one of those is think in frameworks, which is something I do a lot and everything I do comes back works. That’s very clear
Catherine A. Wood 50:13
from this conversation. I love it.
Fifi Mason 50:18
And, and it’s something that I’m I’m pushing more into, because it’s one of my capabilities, it’s something that comes natural to me to think in frameworks to see frameworks to really bring things together. And so that has become a power rule, I’m gonna lean into that power. And it’s one of my rules to sink in frameworks. And another one, which I borrowed from an amazing speaker, David Davis, who he says, A be a visionary, not an expert. And I love this one, because it’s, again, a different approach. It’s not trying to be the expert, it’s being the one that comes up with the concepts to help other people in certain ways. And and yeah, very rule to live by that, that I I’ve been subconsciously living by for the last two years, and really just putting down on paper now and realizing that, that can that could, helping others come up with their rules like this could be a visionary way of approaching things. And then purpose rules, which would be something like, every experience is an opportunity to inspire. And so that is something that I live by, every day, everything that I go through ice, I seek out the opportunities where I can talk about it, tell people to tell people about it, to inspire them in different ways. So I have these rules that I live by, that help me to show up and be my to be the best version of myself to have the biggest impact. And so yeah, I wasn’t going to reveal this today. But it seems after after your question, it seemed like the best explanation to how do I really make this impact and this is how I do it.
Catherine A. Wood 52:26
I mean, I think something I always appreciate about sensitive introverts and working with empaths is just how deeply intentional and purposeful we are. I just got married last October, and our wedding planner wrote this whole blog about our wedding. And the word that she used the most in the whole blog was just intentional how everything we did was intentional. And that was an absolute commitment of mine. And I think that, you know, when we are so intentional and purposeful about our beliefs, and how we want to show up in the world, it is so clear to have that evidenced and reflected back to us. So you know, when you shared that one of your power premises is to think and frameworks. I’m like, absolutely, I think of all my guests, you’re the one who has shared the most frameworks on any episode, and that’s so cool. Like, it’s just so cool to know that that’s actually something you’re, you’re committed to and it’s it’s very self evident.
Fifi Mason 53:32
Yeah, it’s, it’s one of those things that has, it’s been a very recent development in understanding that that’s one of my approaches one of my rules to step into my power because my power is very much seeing the bigger picture connecting all the dots. And, and coming up with the concepts that that help you communicate in certain ways. And it’s all comes back to communication for me, because you can have frameworks that help you to communicate your own ideas, but you can also borrow and use frameworks, that which I do all of the time. So it’s, it’s how you utilize different frameworks to communicate and talk and it’s yeah, it’s fundamental to a lot of things that I do. So it has become a rule of mine. It’s become something I live by. And yeah,
Catherine A. Wood 54:28
yeah, I mean, it makes me think of mnemonics, right? Like mnemonics are just a really helpful way for people to learn concepts and and integrate them into their life by really having those those frameworks and those there those mnemonics to remember to trigger those memories. Well as this has been lovely as we wrap today, I guess two final questions. We’ll of course include all your your website and all your social media handles in the show notes, but I just love to invite you to share with my audience if they’re Interested in getting to know you and your work? Which I have no doubt they will be like, where should they begin the journey? Where would you most encourage they begin?
Fifi Mason 55:07
Well, if you go to Fifi, forward slash connect, that’s where you can find all of the links to my social media channels. And there’s a quiz on there, which is what is your introvert visibility style. And so that will help you kind of start thinking about the five different reasons why you might be self silencing, but also, to understand your introvert type, and how it reflects in the way that you show up and get visible. So it’s a fun little quiz, and it can, can help you give some give you some strategies to help you start making some steps to get more visible in a way that feels aligned for you. So, so there’s that and there’s also my Facebook group, the internet entrepreneurs collective, and there’s a link on there as well. Awesome, beautiful.
Catherine A. Wood 56:07
And, in closing, what what’s truly made the difference for you and becoming the prosperous and that that you are
Fifi Mason 56:16
was truly made the difference in me, I would say. I would say it comes back to that sense of belonging for sure. I as soon as I felt like I was talking to my pupil, I understood the struggles because I could relate to everything and found my place that is what has expedited everything in my business and I wouldn’t be where I am now. If I hadn’t done that. So yeah, no,
Catherine A. Wood 56:51
love it. And love it resonates deeply. Fifi. Thank you so much. I I always appreciate connecting with like minded peers and colleagues just how instantaneous the connection is. And that’s certainly how it’s felt today.
Fifi Mason 57:07
Yeah, it’s been wonderful. Thank you so much for having me.

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Thriving as an Empathpreneur in These Turbulent Times
Welcome back, today I want to talk about some ways that we as empathpreneurs and leaders can set ourselves up to thrive in a world that is feeling increasingly chaotic and unsafe for so many. As empaths are uniquely motivated by impact and mission, now more than ever, we need to be committed to thriving—not surviving. I think that leading with heart, learning how to make continued strategic decisions in the face of uncertain times in this VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world that we’re facing is the key to creating lasting positive change.
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The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.