Jul 31, 2023 | Podcast, Your Business
Getting Grounded in Your Worthiness with Jasmin Haley
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About the episode:
This week’s episode gets to the heart of truly thriving as a Prosperous Empath, because in order to thrive, we have to first know our worth. Jasmin Haley, an award-winning international speaker, author, educator, and podcaster, joins me today to share her story of coming to peace with who she is and what she stands for, making a major career shift, and how after decades of searching – she’s finally found her belonging as an introvert and empath. Friend, this episode was just a major reminder of not only why I started this podcast, but why I do what I do as a coach. Enjoy!
Topics discussed:
- Why it’s so important to come to peace with who you are and how doing so helped Jasmin to make a major career pivot
- Doing the internal work to be able to share your story and live out your legacy
- Struggling with the feeling that we aren’t worthy to be doing what we’re called to
- Jasmin’s journey of stepping outside the poverty mindset and into abundance and why it’s always going to be a work in progress
- How your boundaries at home can affect the boundaries (and success) within your business
- Why finding a sense of belonging is paramount for empaths, especially when it comes to overcoming shame
- How Jasmin supports her clients in overcoming roadblocks that appear when telling their stories
About Jasmin:
Jasmin is an award-winning international speaker, author, educator, and podcaster dedicated to helping audiences understand that the time is now if they want to make an impact and serve their communities from the heart. She has helped dozens of professionals, executives, and business owners create thriving & profitable speaking & training businesses to scale their own legacies.
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Catherine A. Wood 05:23
I’m so excited to have you on the podcast today. I don’t know if you saw this email that came out. I think it came out yesterday. But you are all over Rachael Rogers, we should all be millionaires member spotlights and she just spotlighted you and one of her series. And it was like, it’s amazing. Like every time she spotlights you, I feel like I hear more, more amazing details of your journey and your success and how you’ve really, completely reinvented business on your own terms and by your own design. And I’m so excited to have you share that story on the episode today. So maybe just to kick it off, I’d love to invite you to share your pronouns and, and your story.
Jasmin Haley 07:35
So my pronouns are she her. And my story is evolving. I was the type of person I don’t know if any one of you listeners are like this, where you had your life planned out. And you felt like this was a life that you were going to live well. I knew at 13 I wanted to be in dentistry, and I love teeth. And I have had a fascination with teeth since middle school and I wind up applying to a specialized high school in New York City for dental assisting. And so when I think about now about the work that I do as a consultant where I’m helping people use the most powerful asset that they have, which is a voice I would have never thought I would be where I am today. But as when I look back at my journey from being a clinician in public health, serving persons living with HIV and dealing with substance use disorder, for me working as an educational consultant for me as a full time faculty member who became completely burnt out from a toxic work environment, to someone that had the courage enough to start my business and start sharing my voice. And then had even more courage to pivot into a new industry and do consulting work. I realized that all of my challenges all aspects of my life, were unnecessary. And it feels good to be here and to still be growing. And being able to support other people and using using their voice and being able to grow their businesses is something that brings me a lot of joy. But it all started with teeth y’all okay.
Catherine A. Wood 09:10
And let the record tell you have beautiful teeth.
Jasmin Haley 09:18
Thank you very much. Okay. Oh my gosh, I used to be teased so badly when I was a child like I whenever I would smile, I would actually cover my mouth. Wow. And so now it’s like when you when I think about myself, I when I laugh. I have a very big laugh. I used to my my laugh used to be made fun of as well. But I have a very big laugh and I show all my teachers because I’m all about like joy and just being authentically who I am and being at peace with who I am. I think I think coming to terms with that has been very liberating.
Catherine A. Wood 09:57
But I’m so appreciating the Uh, just like the vast dichotomy of where you started to how you landed here, and I’m curious what that what that transition was like for you. It’s like a full 180. I’m trying to connect the dots like I always appreciate an entrepreneurship, how our experiences and our learnings are oftentimes pointing to the path. But I’m, I’m trying to connect the dots on your journey, and I’m not seeing them.
Jasmin Haley 10:28
Yeah, the catalyst in my change was the death of my mom. And so when I lost her unexpectedly, she I grew up in a single parent household. And that was really she was my my world. She just didn’t have the tools necessary to help me be able to experience a life at my full potential. And so I knew that there was more, I knew that I wanted to get out of the poverty, I knew I wanted to get out of not having the struggle that I saw all of my life. So when she passed away, what what came to realization for me was all of the sacrifices that she made, and I wind up finding out that she didn’t complete her GED until I was five years old. She was 45. And she never told me she didn’t finish high school. In fact, she was ashamed of that. And she was the most she was the smartest woman I had ever known. And what I realized after she passed away, was that she had hopes and dreams that she had to put on the side in order to take care of me and my siblings. And so when she passed away, and I was in my toxic work environment, I started thinking to myself with all the sacrifices that she’s made, and I’m this miserable. I’m allowing people to treat me this way. I’m allowing people to stop on my very soul, I was in a pit of despair. I had a beautiful husband, I had beautiful children, but yet I had continuous hospitalizations, emergency rooms, urgent care. And every single time I will come there, they will say Mrs. Haley, all of your tests and negative MRIs, gastrointestinal exams, negative, negative, negative, negative, and what it was was chronic stress. So by chance, people were along the way, people saw my leadership skills, I was awarded for leadership skills in school. But I happened to be invited to Chicago and by chance met this gentleman, he shared a slice of bacon with me. And he said, Jasmine, have you ever thought about owning your own business? His name is Elijah was so very good friends now. And that little seed put into me and said, I’m not I don’t have to be stuck here. I don’t have to be stuck here. And so within four months of meeting him, I started my business. And then within those two months, I left my toxic work environment and went all in on doing some temp work, speaking and hosting events. So the catalysts of my change, and why I do the work that I do. And focusing on legacy, which is living now, not after I go, is because of the sacrifices of my mom, and realizing that I wasn’t living my legacy then. And I had two girls watching me. And I was setting the example for them. So I didn’t have enough love for myself, even then, but I put my children’s face at the forefront. Now I can say I do what I do for me. But for a long time it was for my girls.
Catherine A. Wood 13:44
I so appreciate you sharing that I I share this quote a lot on the podcast. But it I think it really speaks to what you’re talking about. Michael Bernard Beckwith, if you’re familiar with him, he’s a minister out in California. And he talks about he talks about love. And he says that there’s there’s two, two ways that we can inspire change in our own lives. He says the pain pushes until the vision polls. And when I think about people making massive change in their life, I often notice that they fall in one of those two camps that they’re often pushed forward by a personal pain in their own life, which I hear you speaking to in your with your work environment, or you’re pulled forward via vision and I think that, you know, for me, I can certainly resonate with lacking that self love. That’s been a huge part of my journey. But I also I saw someone coaching and I was really envious of her career trajectory and kind of the conversation she was in and the books she got to read and the insight she was having about her own life and I always and I’m so grateful for that friend because I felt like I saw a vision for myself in her journey that I had never I had never seen before. But I think oftentimes for many of us, when we do experience that kind of come to Jesus moment, or that realization that we can no longer continue the way it’s been going, I think it can oftentimes be easier to make, to take a leap of faith to make a big take a big jump. And the thing I really appreciate about you sharing all of that story is I think many people haven’t done the internal work in order to share their story. And that’s your a lot of your life’s work is helping people share their stories and tell their legacy. And so I’m, I’m curious for, you know, for our listeners who who do have a story to tell, and perhaps they’re, they’re also identifying as sensitive or empathic, like what supported you in really doing your own inner work in order for you to be able to tell your story so powerfully because it’s really impactful hearing use hearing you share your story,
Jasmin Haley 16:10
therapy. I got a good therapist, and I had to go through a couple of them. Like in the pit of your stomach, if you’re if you’re saying this person is cray, they probably cray. Okay, somebody I’ll be, I’ll be staying for too long, you know. So I actually happened to get a really good one. And she introduced me to Dr. Brene. Brown. I never had ever heard anyone talk about shame and vulnerability, the way that she did. There was also another book that I read that was called the Motivation Manifesto. I started that before I left my toxic work environment. This one’s written by Brendon Burchard. And that has helped me get to a place of questioning myself, what is it that I desire, but one of the things that I realized is that I live with depression and anxiety. And it’s extremely important for me because I can always go left to like the negative, right? That I was filling my brain, my mind every single day with affirming words. And so I would, I would listen to met word, word affirmations and meditations where it’s like, I’m courageous, I am bold, I will go on YouTube. I will listen to people like Les Brown, Brendon Burchard, and other really motivational great speakers every single day all it was like obsessive. And that was just giving me the courage to keep going. And when I realized that there were certain blocks along the way that I was creating, such as, this is a great one, too. For anyone that’s a business owner. Sometimes we don’t like to hear our voice, right? Well, we’ll nitpick. Like, I would get an opportunity to be on a podcast share my voice and that I wouldn’t be like, Oh, why did I say that? And oh, why did I make my face this way? Like, it was so counterproductive. So I didn’t listen. I just went straight. Like, I went straight like blinders on, like the blinders that put on horses, I literally put up my stuff and move like move on, never really listened to anything, and just continue to pour in. And it didn’t make the anxiety go away. It didn’t make any of that go away with getting visible. Because I am introverted by nature, I prefer to watch my foolery and my own house dance in front of the mirror by myself, like, I don’t actually have to be amongst a group to gain to gain energy. I don’t know where I was going with that. But I just lost my thought. But I, oh, man, I was something really good to listeners. But I lost my thought there.
Catherine A. Wood 18:55
We were, we were talking about how you’ve been able to leverage your own personal journey to capitalize on your message.
Jasmin Haley 19:05
Yes, yes. But there was one tip that I was going to share. And I forgot, I totally forgot. So the one the one tip that I did share was don’t listen to yourself. If you can, don’t listen. That was one thing that helped me kind of stay on track and continue to pour into myself. But there’s one more but it probably come in a little bit later. Hopefully I’ll get that. That’s why here’s a great thing. I don’t feel embarrassed. I hope that when this is edited, you keep it because I think it’s important for us to know that even me who I label myself as a professional speaker, I’m gonna mess up. I’m not gonna say everything perfect. And I’m okay with that. But that took time for me to get there. It wasn’t something that happened overnight. And I think that’s what we have to have a firm hold over like a lot of times I talk about a sense of worthiness. And I needed to develop this sense of worthiness and get like deeply rooted in that especially when you get visible in the way that I’ve gotten visible with speaking, you’re gonna have people that question you, you’re gonna have people that say really mean things. And you know, when you come to the realization of how futile life is, well, we each don’t know when our last day or our last breath would be. It just changes though how you show up, you know, that we don’t have a lot of time. And so when the time that we do have let’s make account,
Catherine A. Wood 20:31
I mean, I appreciate you sharing that, like, and we won’t edit this out, for sure. But I, I think back to my own journey with launching the podcast, you know, and it was I had, there was a lot of fear to overcome, like talking about public speaking. And there was a lot of fear for me to overcome, because I’m introverted, I’m empathic, I’m highly sensitive. And I like asking questions more than I like taking up space. And I’ve gotten lots of feedback since launching the podcast and October that people want even more solo episodes. And, you know, these conversations are so easy. For me, it’s what I do in my day to day, like asking a powerful question like, that’s second nature, but taking a virtual stage, like grabbing my podcast mic and just talking into it for 45 minutes, like, dang, that’s uncomfortable. And And as I’ve kind of leaned into it and realize that, you know, I can give myself permission to take pauses, and I can give myself permission to close my eyes if I need to, which I often do to be able to articulate my thought. Those are the things that I’ve gotten feedback on that people like, like, the slow pace of my voice, and like, wow, really, that was my biggest fear in launching the podcast.
Jasmin Haley 21:50
So I agree with let your beautiful you have such a beautiful spirit. Thank you. It’s just so like, endearing? And that’s what people can feel.
Catherine A. Wood 22:02
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, I think that you’re right and talking about that the worthiness quotient that you that you spoke of, I think that that’s like, anytime we take on a new, a new goal outside of our comfort zone, right? It’s like we just push up against another aspect of our worthiness.
Jasmin Haley 22:22
Yeah, absolutely. And I think I needed to also come to terms with understanding, like, my success, the gifts that I’ve been given, is a part of my birthright. It’s my god given birth, right? And how I personally feel is if God has already, if he gave this to me, and he is telling me the way in which I should utilize it, then who am I to question him? If it keeps coming up over and over and over again, just Jasmine, this is where you need to be. So I’ll give you a great example of me not listening. So I did four years speaking in events, that was all I did. And I decided to pivot at the end of 2018, beginning of 2020, outside of healthcare, I can’t tell you why. Because I was at the height of my success. But I knew deep inside that I needed to make a pivot. Well guess what was coming about few months after that decision, the pandemic, which I couldn’t plan for. So everything that I had set up for myself, and where I wanted to be in my business, went out the went out the window. And in that discovery, I found amazing business networks, like where we met, and I met other amazing people. But throughout that journey, about a year and a half into that journey, I was still fighting, where I’m at right now in my business. In fact, I was telling myself that I wasn’t worthy to be a speaker consultant. Even though I built my entire business model. And speaking in events, I told myself that because I was a black woman, a woman of color, no one would take me seriously because of one incident that happened, one or two incidents that happen in my previous industry. But every time I would get a client, guess what they were asking me for? They would say, Jasmine, can you help me with my speaker abstract Jasmine? Can you help me with x, y, and z and speaking? And people were saying, Jasmine, why don’t you do speaker consulting? Why don’t you go that route, and I refuse to listen. And eventually what happened was my business got to a place where I had no more money left. I spent my last $10,000 on a coaching program. I did everything they told me to do. Nothing worked. And I was at a point where I needed to fire everybody that was on my team. And I finally decided, Okay, fine. I’m going to write my offer on a Google Doc and I’ll sell it for two weeks and if I get one person guide, then I will follow through I will follow through with Speaker consulting. And I went out live for two weeks, y’all two weeks, and I got one person to apply to my program, it was the highest program I’ve ever sold. And when they applied when we finally had the call, they went into my mastermind program. And the first thing she said was Jasmine, I’ve been waiting for you to do this. So that’s what I’m talking about is the fact that we’ve already we’ve been given the gifts, but sometimes we feel like we aren’t worthy of it, we push away, and then we figure we find out things aren’t working out the way that they’re not they were supposed to be working out. Because there’s not a line, we’re coming up with a reason why it needs to be a certain way. So I feel like there’s sometimes our own worthiness will prevent us from the amazing success that’s waiting for us. Just to say, Yes, I’ll follow through. And that same client is still in my program. And she’s amazing. And I started that program, y’all with one person. Sometimes all we need is that one. Yes, that one yes comes from you. That’s it. So that was a huge deal for me along my journey.
Catherine A. Wood 26:11
I mean, I love that reminder, that the first yes comes from you like that. I think that’s a huge that’s such a foundational tenet of when we when we manifest our future, right? It’s like, we just have to decide what we want. And we have to make up the decision for ourselves. And then we have to conspire with the universe, God, how our higher power, whatever you believe in, to, to explore how it’s going to show up for us and when, God what a beautiful practice and faith and stepping into your power and your possibility. And I really, I really want to come back to something because you’ve now mentioned it twice. And it’s this idea of growing up in with a lack with a sense of lack with a sense of. I mean, I don’t know if you would use these words, but in my experience, it’s like a poverty mindset, right. And, and I work with a lot of people who have who have poverty mindset, regardless of, you know, where it stems from. And I think that specifically with with this audience who identify as empaths, who are natural givers who are very practiced in contributing and being of service and helping, and they can oftentimes be at the expense of their bottom line of being at the expense of them thriving. And so I’d love for you to talk about your journey in stepping outside of that poverty mindset into the abundance mindset, which I know you walk now in life,
Jasmin Haley 27:49
it’s still a work in progress. It’s still a work. It’s not, it’s not all the way there, it is not all the way there. In fact, I feel like I chip away a little bit at it over and over again. You know, like when you feel good. So I’m getting a little nerdy here. But when you look at the brain and how it works, the amygdala is responsible for determining what’s fear and a threat to you. So that’s how that’s where our bias comes from. Right. And so it keeps us from like, if we see a lion coming our way, we’re not gonna say, hey, kitty, kitty, hey, kitty, kitty, like, we know we’re gonna step away from that, right. But there’s other fears and threats that come that come along the way that are false narratives. And for me, I have been programmed since childhood, to always put others feelings before myself. So it has taken me years to make sure I pay myself. Because for a while, I wouldn’t even pay myself. Y’all know, y’all listeners know what this is all about. Okay. Okay, we take care of everybody else. But ourselves, right? So I feel like that’s just it’s a, it’s a true work in progress. And every year, it gets stronger and stronger. And so what I want to just be as transparent as possible, it isn’t all solved. I think it first started with me showing up for myself sharing my voice, and then started showing up in different ways. I feel like there’s different seasons that happened in your business. So I remember like my season of getting to my first six figures, and what that was like and what I needed to work on as far as abundance and thinking it was possible to even charge the value of the services that I have. And then to get to the multi six figure part I needed to allow others to help me like I needed to hire right. And so as I’m now working on getting to the seven figure mark this other places and I’m seeing there’s leaks that I have to step into and expand in a way that shows that okay, As men, it’s okay to put these parameters in these boundaries. And those boundaries took a long time for me. And I started seeing how even the boundaries that happen at home, were impacting what was happening in business. So I wouldn’t have boundaries with my kids all the time, I wouldn’t have boundaries with my husband, it’ll be his mistake, but then I gotta pay for it. Like, no, no. You know, those are things that little by little, you strengthen that muscle to start caring for yourself first. And so I think the next season of my life is doing more exercise, right, cutting off cutting off the electronics at some point in time I have sabbaticals. So every July and December I take off, that’s where my mental health, but that that decision didn’t come from my mental health until I was almost at an almost at that pit of despair once again. So for people that are highly sensitive, and impasse, we have a different shift that we have to make on a regular basis. A natural inclination is to a natural inclination is to not prioritize ourself. And so I often ask myself, if I want to be someone that looks like and demonstrates by behavior, that I’m a person of integrity, the first person that I need to keep my integrity with is with myself. And how do I how am I not doing that by this particular decision in my business? So that’s the constant battle for me.
Catherine A. Wood 31:42
Yeah, I mean, I appreciate you speaking to that, that we’re all on a journey, and that each new levels, we get to experience, you know, similar flavors of the same default patterns and, and, and our, our, our fundamental nature that we come come back to.
Jasmin Haley 32:01
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I have I call it the captain save a ho. That’s what I am. Oh, my captain, my captain, save a ho. If you got a problem, I’m gonna try to fix it.
Catherine A. Wood 32:14
Oh, my god, that’s amazing.
Jasmin Haley 32:19
Literally, it’s true. It’s true. So now it’s like, I have to remind myself, that’s not my problem. They’re gonna be alright. I’m gonna leave on B. Because what do I like more than ever? I’m almost 40 years old. I got to start choosing peace and not children choose the problems. Choose one peace.
Catherine A. Wood 32:41
Yeah, I mean, I think that’s such an important reminder for for empath. I’m an entrepreneur in particular, because I think that we often have a default orientation towards drama. Because we’re, there’s drama, we can help. We can serve, we can contribute, we can solve, we can care. And it’s true, we need to be get to a place energetically where we’re more committed to our peace than our problems or our trauma, or other events.
Jasmin Haley 33:11
Absolutely. And like I have, I have a wonderful husband, but I was bringing in people into my life, that were female friends, that weren’t good for me. They just were not, they didn’t really have my best interests at heart. And there was so many red flags. And what happened was I kept repeating the same type of personality over and over again. And at some point in time, there are patterns that we all fall into. And when you’re highly when you’re very sensitive, when you’re an empath, we know that we draw energy from others. And there’s something that that, that some malignant personalities draw to, you know, that caring part of us and we have to protect that. And so now I’m a little bit more cautious. I try to look at behaviors. I try to hear you know, what people are saying, to see if it really aligns with the kindness that that I want to surround myself with.
Catherine A. Wood 34:16
I we have a mastermind forum, we’re on our online and my co coach today. She She posted something from my book, which really feels resonant with what you just said, and I want to share it further readers and it’s from the chapter compassionate living. I wrote, when left unhealed our past will dismantle us it will disenfranchise from our gifts, and our creativity. While we will continually search and long for this experience of peace, joy, wholeness and belonging. We will look for it in all the wrong places. And I just I don’t know I think that speaks exactly to what you just said. It’s this idea that As heart centered entrepreneurs and creators, when we’re not committed to doing our own work, and healing those wounds with ourselves, we look for them in all the wrong places and in all the wrong relationships. Because they’re often easier. It’s it’s almost more, more familiar to, to default to helping other people or prioritizing other people’s needs or requests from us than it is to prioritize taking care of ourselves honoring our boundaries, prioritizing spaciousness. And it’s wacky, right. But it’s, it’s a mind shift.
Jasmin Haley 35:42
Yeah, that reminds me of Dr. Maya Angelou, when she talks about having a sense of belonging, when you look at the definition of belonging, it’s Talk Talk, typically talked about as far as community. But what Dr. Maya Angelou was talking about was a sense of belonging to self. And we don’t we don’t talk about that enough. You know, so how can I be a great friend, how can be an amazing spouse, partner, mother, right? Like, I can’t do any of that if I don’t have a true sense of self. And that takes a lot of work internally to get to and we need it as highly sensitive individuals that tend to have a captain save a whole personality, that’s me. Often save,
Catherine A. Wood 36:32
laughing and crying at the same time. I don’t I don’t know if you knew this. But that’s the name of my book is belonging because that’s exactly what you just said. It’s like, as empaths when we belong with ourselves, when we create that sense of internal belonging, we can create it in our lives, our businesses and our relationships.
Jasmin Haley 36:52
Absolutely, absolutely. And it’s powerful. Like, it feels so good, to be able to take up more space, but it also feels good to, to just be that was also a challenge to to, to not be saving anyone to not do anything, but just be because I felt like some parts of me felt like I always had to be constantly working. And I wonder if many of us ever feel like, ease? feels wrong. So then we find situations, or patterns of different types of people to call it cause disruption. Whereas life is meant to be joyous and easeful. And sometimes we create it because there’s a sense of us feeling like it isn’t right. I don’t know. And that’s again, that took that takes a lot of healing. I’m actually was gifted this book called restless resistance.
Catherine A. Wood 37:55
It’s a great book.
Jasmin Haley 37:56
It’s just started off.
Catherine A. Wood 37:58
Oh, you should listen to it. If it’s if you’re not too far into it. She’s an amazing narrator. Tricia has an amazing like, profound and her I don’t know if her I can’t remember from her father was a minister, but she just has a booming voice highly ranked. Okay.
Jasmin Haley 38:13
All right. I’ll do that because I listen to Audible mostly. But my friend, my friend, and also previous client was the one that gifted it to me.
Catherine A. Wood 38:23
Love it. That’s that’s been one I’ve been also referring to many clients of late. It’s awesome. Yeah. Well, I kind of want to connect the dots here, because, you know, we’re talking about we’re talking about belonging, we’ve been talking about overcoming shame and healing those internal wounds, and you’re a speaker, consultant, and as a speaker, coach, and I, I mean, these dots feel really connected for me, because I don’t really like public speaking Jasmine. For a lot of these very reasons that we’re talking about, and, and I honestly, I think for a lot of empaths and introverts and highly sensitives, they would relate so and it’s not to say we don’t have a message to tell and a difference to make. So I’m curious, like, how do you how have you made this How have you done this journey for yourself? How do you support your clients and perhaps overcoming some of these roadblocks in the way of telling their stories and sharing their messages? And feeling comfortable and that sense of belonging doing so?
Jasmin Haley 39:41
Yeah, so for me, I think the biggest thing is I’ve always been an educator at heart. And I saw a gap specifically in healthcare where people living with HIV or people with substance use disorder, were not getting the full amount of care that they were deserving of and So I said to myself, here’s the captain save a hole, but in a good way, I need to advocate for people that can’t speak up. And so that’s how I started, right. And I also realized that at that time, there weren’t any other speakers and the speaker circuit specifically in healthcare, the one that industry I was in, that looked like me at all. And so there was a part of me that rebellious kind of spirit, I want to disrupt things, I didn’t want to open up a magazine and see a whole bunch of people didn’t look like me anymore. I was writing to editors and asking about having diversity in voice and got published that way. And I have been able to create my own stage until people were willing to hire me, because the drive for that was, was higher. So a lot of times when I worked with my clients, when I was teaching on other topics that were not connected to me on a heart level, it wasn’t motivating enough for me to get out there. So if you know that there are people right now who need to be set free from your words, if you truly believe that time is the most permissive, precious commodity that we have, and that it’s limited, we will get over ourselves. And I don’t want to be harsh or anything. But just seeing how quickly my mom was taken away in an instant, there was no there was no wait time, that was it, boom, she was gone. I knew that I only have this one life to live. And so when I think about like, the clients that I work with, a lot of them are heart driven. Well, all of them are, they’re heart driven. They’re purpose driven. And they want to make a deeper impact. So I encourage you to pull out from your story. Currently, right now, even if you want your topics, if you relate it to your business, there’s something in your journey, that was a catalyst to to the reason why you start to make a difference. And there’s somebody in the audience waiting to hear you tell you a version of it, to help set them free. And that’s what I keep the focus in on. It’s the people that will come to me after and be bawling their eyes out or telling me their story and thanking me or the dozens of people I’ve been able to help to be able to share their own and seeing them impact other lives. Those are the things that pushed me and for some of you who need deeper work, I have many clients who have gone to therapy for visibility or they have sought out other mindset coats that focuses specifically on visibility, just so they can muster up the strength to be able to come forward and you can choose whatever stage you want for some your stages podcasting. For some your stage may be online summits masterclass and webinars. For some you stage maybe in person events, know that they’re all speaking. It’s all former as all a form of training. So if it feels online to you, I want you to cheer yourself that you’re even showing up and sharing your voice in this way. And it’s all about choosing the vehicle that feels right to you.
Catherine A. Wood 43:20
Felt like some permission for me. Thank you for that.
Jasmin Haley 43:24
Yeah, you don’t have to feel like any pressure at all. Like some people like I don’t want to quinoa. I don’t want quinoa either. You know, I can’t know when I keynote. Right now, my speaking is workshops. I’m hosting events and I’m bringing other amazing people together like I love bringing other people help helping other like my event. I’m having October. I don’t know we have like night wait six or seven speakers or something like that. It could be nine I don’t know. We got a lot of speakers, right. I could have just had the stage for myself. But I’m bringing community because I know how beautiful it is when we all can tap into each other’s brilliance. And so I can’t wait for the transformation that’s going to happen in that room. This is my ministry is a bit is hosting webinars. And then I may change to say, Hey, I’m I’m retiring that and I wanted to use a different vehicle of using my voice. All of it is right.
Catherine A. Wood 44:25
I hear a couple of gems in that share like first of all, I hear the reminder to get really connected with who we want to advocate for which I think as Empath comes really natural for us. And I think when we can get really connected with who we want to advocate for or what we want to rebel out against that it does become a lot easier to get over ourselves.
Jasmin Haley 44:49
Yes, it’s so good. And then well, those are words. It is true. I’m kind of good today
Catherine A. Wood 44:59
totally And then the second, the second gem is just the reminder that there’s no there’s no right way to do it like a couple years ago. I don’t think I’ve ever shared this story because it was so embarrassing. But a couple years ago pre pandemic, I was pitched to speak to keynote at a conference in DC, a conference of engineers. And I got up on that stage, and we talked about conflict management, and they were not my people. And as an empath, it was so hard to really connect with this audience who was looking for tips and tactics, and, you know, they were really in their heads, it was just, it was so hard to stay connected with my with my heart center. And and I’m just reminded that, you know, I get to choose the audience, and the podcast audience has certainly been a place a really healing place for me in connecting with my message and, and owning my voice.
Jasmin Haley 46:06
Yes. And I also want to encourage each of you to know, like, even when you are willing to step out, it just takes time to be able to learn how to navigate rooms like that. You know, that’s where our educational methodology comes in. That’s where the fundamentals of understanding that every single human on the face of the earth wants to be seen, heard and valued. When you get that, it doesn’t matter what profession you are. In front of, it doesn’t matter who’s in front of the stage, if you learn how to tell your story in a way, that makes the most sense. But sometimes, though, it takes I don’t know if that was your first keynote or anything like that. But it just takes some time to get there. In fact, I was pitching someone that was in the tech world. And let me tell you a question he asked me 10 years ago, Jasmine would have been like crying and
Catherine A. Wood 47:01
I really hope we record that video.
Jasmin Haley 47:06
Like, I’m like one of those dramatic sobs, okay, like one of those like, oh my gosh, Can you calm down? Alright, so anyway, this happened last week, this happened last week, I was pitching my workshop series for public speaking. And I was talking to somebody in the corporate world in tech. And he said, excuse me for once, I guess he’s excuse me, CBZ. Before it before you head on to the next part, right? He says, from all your experiences, I It’s a great, it’s wonderful. Why do you think you’re qualified to teach what you’re teaching to someone in tech? Now, let me tell you all, again, 10 years ago, jazz would have been like, right. But I was I have worked so hard on being deeply rooted in my own worthiness, that I spit out my answer to him, and he was like, That was a good response. Yes. Because I’m qualified, I don’t care where you from. I know, my heart methodology, right will help you be able to communicate in a way that humanizes your audience. These are things that people need, and I’m no longer afraid of that because I’ve seen my work. And the processes that I’ve created for public speaking, work for people from all different walks of life, ethnicities, age, social economic backgrounds, it doesn’t matter. So for everyone listening, I want you to understand, like, people will, it’s not a matter of a will maybe know, when they question you. Because they will. You’ve got to get firmly rooted in your worthiness and and understanding that you have a right to share your message. And it may not be right for every single one. But what you’re looking for other people that need to hear it from you, they are there. And when they and when you find them, it’s going to be glorious. That’s what you’re going to hold on to.
Catherine A. Wood 49:13
Such a powerful reminder when you’re grounded in your worthiness. Yeah, I mean, that just feels like a real takeaway from this conversation, because I think that it’s so integral to what to what this podcast is really about. It’s really about me, empaths Empath entrepreneurs Having it All right, like when you’re grounded in your worthiness.
Jasmin Haley 49:38
Yeah, yeah. And when you need to take a break from people just do it like I do. When I had my sabbatical, I tell him I love y’all, but don’t message me. I’m out. I’ll see you in a month.
Catherine A. Wood 49:56
Hashtag boundaries. Awesome. Well, Jasmine, as we as we wrap today, like, I’m curious, where should my audience reach out to you to connect with you first? I mean, we’ll include all your handles in the show notes. But where would you recommend they start the journey?
Jasmin Haley 50:16
I would love to connect on LinkedIn. And Instagram, I would say is probably where I’m really checking my messages. Okay. I’m trying to lean away from Facebook, but I’m on there, too. So how, let me
Catherine A. Wood 50:30
know. And what do you think has supported you most in becoming a prosperous empath? What’s made the biggest difference?
Jasmin Haley 50:42
I think one of my coaches, her name is Jessica Rodriguez. The greatest gift that she gave me was, she helped me tune into what felt good to me. You know, you have some coaches consultants out there, they’re like, You must do this, you have to do that. Like, it wasn’t that way. And I think what she really helped me to exercise until I was ready to fly the coop was really understanding what it means to be
Catherine A. Wood 51:09
Jasmin Haley 51:12
And like, sticking with that, and being okay, and centered on that. So I think that’s the biggest thing for me, whatever I choose, does it feel aligned? And am I able to be at my best be my best self and whatever choice that I’m making? I think that’s the greatest, that’s the greatest gift. And that allows us as highly sensitive individuals and empaths to really flourish when we are
Catherine A. Wood 51:43
totally, I mean, the question like what feels good to you, right for for empaths sensitive empaths intuitive introverts, like, you know, we can’t operate out of alignment with what feels good to us. And we have such a felt sense of it right from our bones to our hearts like and everywhere in between. So I I love that. I love that. Thank you. So lovely to have you Jasmine, it was really such a beautiful conversation. And I I mean, coming back to kind of where you and I first connected you know we were going to schedule this conversation a couple of weeks ago and I wasn’t feeling good and you encouraged us to reschedule and so glad we did so much more aligned.
Jasmin Haley 52:27
Yeah, absolutely. So you can always press pause, we can always press pause and come back later. Nice.

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Thriving as an Empathpreneur in These Turbulent Times
Welcome back, today I want to talk about some ways that we as empathpreneurs and leaders can set ourselves up to thrive in a world that is feeling increasingly chaotic and unsafe for so many. As empaths are uniquely motivated by impact and mission, now more than ever, we need to be committed to thriving—not surviving. I think that leading with heart, learning how to make continued strategic decisions in the face of uncertain times in this VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world that we’re facing is the key to creating lasting positive change.
Visit this episode’s show notes page here.
The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.