Mar 07, 2023 | Podcast, Your Business
Embodying a Heart-Centered Business with Anna Rapp
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About the episode:
Dear heart-centered entrepreneurs, you are going to love this episode today featuring Anna Rapp. Anna specializes in selling with heart and money mindset – two of my favorite topics, so you know it’s going to be a great conversation. We’re covering a lot of Anna’s journey as she transitioned from a full time therapist to full time business coaching to gain more time freedom on the cusp of the birth of her second child. She shares what it means to operate a values aligned business, why a good relationship with money is the foundation to your success, her favorite affirmations, and more. This episode is a powerful reminder as you work to gain more wealth in your life and embody what it means to be a prosperous, empathic CEO.
Topics discussed:
- The similarities that Anna sees between the clients from her therapy days and her coaching clients now
- Anna’s history of her relationship with money and how she’s grown a savings of over $20,000 and wrote a book about this process
- Why foundational money mindset work will help you implement more practical components of growing your business
- The thing that helped Anna fall in love with sales and how to overcome your own sales blocks
- What it looks like to run a business that is in alignment with your values
- Getting comfortable with sharing your story and normalizing how you do business differently
- What has supported Anna on her journey as a prosperous empath
About Anna Rapp:
Anna Rapp is a Business Mentor + Mindset Coach, mama to two and founder of the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Podcast and Community. Anna lives in San Diego but coaches ambitious women internationally to help them launch and grow their service based businesses so that they can have wild, profitable, monetary success… but without compromising what matters most to them like their values and showing up for their family.
- $20K Freedom Fund™: Build Your Bank from $0 to Fully Stable in 90 Days by Anna Rapp
- Worthy by Nancy Levin
- Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
Connect with Anna:
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Catherine A. Wood 00:05
And now why don’t we just dive in? And I’d love for you to share with my audience a little bit about you and your story and how you transitioned from your daytime to your full time business.
Anna Rapp 00:19
Yes, they love that question. I almost feel like I’m the entrepreneur that like, almost didn’t become an entrepreneur because I, I really liked my job as a therapist, like I really enjoyed, like, in some ways, like I’m a glass half full person, which in many ways is nice. But in other ways, it’s hard because it’s hard to change, or see, like the potential and other things. But I loved my clients, I had the best therapy boss. And, like, a lot of things were positive. The one downside was like the time freedom, right? And so I decided to start doing life coaching on the side on the weekends in the mornings. And that was kind of like my introduction, and kind of like how I fell in love with it.
Catherine A. Wood 01:06
Do you find that you’re having similar conversations with clients that you used to have with your therapy patients?
Anna Rapp 01:13
That’s such a good question. I get that question a lot too, like those distinctions like that line, right? I think in some ways. You know, I love the name of your podcast, I think like my, my vibe, and my sentiment and how I feel with my clients is similar. But I would say our topics are different. And some of the other pieces are different to like boundaries. I don’t have to have as many boundaries with my coaching clients, as I do with my therapy clients. The topics that we talk about are different. I would say like those are the like distinguishing factors, kind of
Catherine A. Wood 01:53
I appreciate that piece about about the boundaries being like needing to have less boundaries, because I feel similarly I’ve worked with therapists and coaches both for years. And sometimes I really just want to know my coach’s perspective, you know, and I’ve worked with the same coach for five years now. And oftentimes, she is also very boundaried and creates so much space for me to talk about myself, but sometimes I’ll like purposely, just ask her, will you please tell me your opinion? Or what do you do here? It’s great.
Anna Rapp 02:29
Yeah, totally. I think coaches can like ride that like mentary line a little bit more. I have a course where like, I teach women how to, like, get their first client, but also marketing, but also like coaching technique. And like, one thing I asked all of them to do identify is, what percent are you a coach? And what percent? Are you a mentor, or a strategist or an advice giver? Right? Or a teacher? Because I think like all coaches, like we get to select, are we 100% of coach? Are we 50% of coach, like, how much are we teaching? And how much are we like pure coaching, right?
Catherine A. Wood 03:03
I mean, I appreciate that practice, because I think sometimes when you’re trained in a certain way, as a coach, it can be challenging to give yourself that permission to call yourself whatever you want to call yourself, whether it’s mentor, teacher, trainer, etc. So I think, you know, like the idea of tracking it, like how much what percentage, it’s such a fun practice.
Anna Rapp 03:26
I love that it kind of ambiguous, right? But like, but yeah, it’s nice to assess and ask yourself, like, intuitively what feels most aligned for me, when it comes to those roles, right?
Catherine A. Wood 03:38
We were chatting before we started recording about some shared, I guess, passions for talking about money in our coaching practices. And I’d love for you to share a bit about and you’ve written a book on what is the name of your book.
Anna Rapp 03:53
It’s called 20k Freedom fund
Catherine A. Wood 03:55
20k Freedom fund, we’ll, we’ll add it in the show notes. But I’d love for you to share some of your beliefs about money and some of the work you do with your clients about that.
Anna Rapp 04:04
Ah, yes, money, money, money, right. I would say my journey truly started with it. Or like my biggest evolution started about three years ago when I was making decent money in my business. But I still didn’t feel like I was in control of my finances and things felt really wonky obviously, I was also in the middle of a divorce at that time. So obviously, like a lot of things were up in the air. But I did feel like I didn’t have control over my money. And I like to make affirmation. So the first affirmation that I made don’t copy this one was I have complete control over my money and finances right? And obviously we know that like no one has control over money, but I’m glad that I made it because it was like a starting ground. Right. It was like the direction and then later my coach helped me say like, and I don’t think you want control over your money. I think you just want 20k in the bank like you want savings. That’s going to create the stability literally that you’re wanting, right, even if you don’t have control on like the ups and downs of it, and I was like, Oh, is that it? And that was it. And so I saved 20k in the bank in about three months, fortunately. And that completely changed how I related to money. Obviously, there’s other important pieces too. But I think it made me realize, like, how few women out there as I was talking to my clients, in their business, don’t have a reserve a cash reserve and in their personal life, don’t have an emergency fund. So I started calling it a freedom fund, because people were like, I don’t want to save an emergency fund because like, I don’t want to manifest an emergency, right? Or this idea of like, I can ever spend my money when I’m like, like, it’s time to spend the money. It’s okay to spend it too. So that the whole concept of the book and was probably one of the biggest things that changed my life and money.
Catherine A. Wood 05:53
I mean, I hear, I hear a couple things in that, like the idea that sometimes our money is about healing our mindset with money. And other times, it’s simply about being more practical with money, keeping that amount in the bank that allows us to feel safe, or getting really clear on what’s coming in and what’s going out. Do you find in your work, that, that people that that clients need to follow, like a certain order with their money work? Like, do they need to do money mindset work first? Do they need to start tracking? Like, I’m just curious?
Anna Rapp 06:28
Oh, man, that’s a good question. I would love to hear what your take is.
Catherine A. Wood 06:32
I was gonna say I was thinking that as I was asking him, like, I don’t know how I’d answer that.
Anna Rapp 06:37
I think like, my, what I noticed for my clients, and this is really hard, I think is coaches have given myself, I have a hard time like giving one answer because I love to, like customize it to my client. But I think I did notice a theme with the money piece, in that whether my clients were doing great at their budgeting or all the other exemplary components, them opening up a savings account, not at their current bank at a different bank. And designating that as their freedom fund or their savings account, right? Really was a big game changer. Even if their money habits weren’t perfect. Even if they were in debt, even if they weren’t trapped. Like I think that piece helps the other pieces be easier if you can start that momentum. So that’s kind of what I was noticing.
Catherine A. Wood 07:27
A couple years ago, I guess it was 2019, I launched my first mastermind. And we read a couple books that year, which were really deeply impactful from my work and my own personal kind of philosophy about money. But the first book was worthy by Nancy Levin. She says the subtitle is own your lash boost your self worth to own your net worth, something like that? Well, it will add in the show notes. But it was so impactful for the group to really acclimatized to this experience of being worthy of amassing wealth, and for it to, you know, be safe to amass wealth. So that was that we’ll come back to this, but that was the first book and then the second book is a follow up. Was we read Profit First by Mike. Mike, I cannot say his last name makalah which I will,
Anna Rapp 08:23
yes, yes, I know what you mean. I know.
Catherine A. Wood 08:26
And and I do think that having that foundational money mindset work was very helpful as a as kind of a jumping off point to be able to implement some more of the practical components in calf at first.
Anna Rapp 08:46
I love that I’ve never read that book, but it just sounds amazing the worthy when the Prophet first went to but yes.
Catherine A. Wood 08:54
Well, speaking of safety, I think in your Instagram Stories, you talk a lot about you talk a lot about money, affirmations, but specifically ones about it’s safe for me to earn money, it’s safe for me to amass wealth and I’d love for you to like to talk more about that because I think that that’s so it’s such an important concept that I don’t think necessarily spoken about a lot in the wealth consciousness work.
Anna Rapp 09:22
So I love it. It’s almost reminds me of what you were saying around like before the Prophet first piece you were doing the the mind the worthiness piece, right? I think the reason I post so much of that online is it’s to counter our own inner talk right? Around believing that it doesn’t feel safe to make more money, right. We maybe you’re listening to podcasts, and you’re like, well, that’s I do want to make more money. I wish I had more money. I want to make more money. But it’s almost this fear of success where like, yes, it’d be great to have, let’s say you whatever you’re making right now, think about double right. There’s going to be pros to that, but there’s going to be cons To that, too, right? Maybe it’s like, will I be able to manage my money? Right? What if I have it and then I lose it, and I got used to making more money. So I think, you know, our brain sees all the negatives and all the fears. And so the reason I post that is to kind of like counteract that and really remind yourself that it’s safe, like you’re gonna figure out like, it’s okay for you to get used to new levels of money, wealth, happiness, abundance, right.
Catherine A. Wood 10:28
I mean, I think that that is so important. I talk a lot about self love in my work. And that’s been my journey, right? Like my journey. Coaching journey has totally been about self love. And I have noticed such a connection between our love ability being a function of our capacity to increase our rates and to price ourselves higher and earn more and not mutually exclusive, but certainly, certainly related. And, and conversely, I’ve seen many clients over the years, try to feel better about themselves or love themselves more through spending sometimes unhealthy amounts of money to their own detriment. So I think, you know, healing your relationship with money is such a function of, I imagine. I mean, it’s certainly the work that I do, but I imagine the work you do with women as well.
Anna Rapp 11:37
Yes, so I agree. So important. Yeah.
Catherine A. Wood 11:44
Do you? I mean, you talk a lot about sales. So I’m curious how you notice that? Yeah. How kind of your work with money and sales, relates and connects and infuses itself in your work?
Anna Rapp 12:06
That’s such a good question. I, I think I first got excited about sales before I got excited about money. Um, I first got excited about which sounds weird, right? I love it. Because I’ll tell you why. Because initially, in my business, I realized like, I want clients, right, I want to help people. I want to serve people, right? And then I realized, like, oh, what holds us back from having more clients is selling, right? We like villainize sales, but really selling is this beautiful tool that gets us to the people that we want to serve. Right? And when I realized that I was like, Oh, wow, like sales is this beautiful bridge like sterile? Does the will we do it right when we do it with integrity when we do it with heart. So I really fell in love with selling for myself for my clients. And then I realized what holds us back also from selling is the money mindset piece. Because I think we know at our core, that if we were to fully show up and get visible online and express ourselves and sell our work and be our best advocate for the power of the work we do, we know it would work. And we know we make a ton of money, right? And so I realized, like our money mindset work, and our ability to accept and receive bigger amounts of money was really tight into sales in that way to
Catherine A. Wood 13:28
what helped you fall in love with sales. I think that that is a huge journey.
Anna Rapp 13:35
Um, I think it was when I saw that I could do it with her. Like, I think I’d only had bad experiences with sales, either someone selling to me or like someone trying to get over here, the funniest stories from my clients that people are like, you know, take out your credit card on the call right now and buy from me or else your life will be ruined forever, like that vibe, right? So I think when we’ve had like weird experiences with sales, it’s almost like we have a bad experience with social media. And we’re like, all social media sucks, right? Well, it’s just a neutral thing like sales. Or like, sometimes people will have a bad experience with their father, right? Or whatever it is. And so we’ll just like generalize things, instead of realizing selling itself. I change that when I teach sales. I use the word invite, just because they feel like sales has so much baggage, but the word in itself isn’t bad. Like it’s not ethical or moral or legal. Like there’s nothing immoral about selling, but sometimes it can feel like I remember I told my husband at the time when I made my first sales. I was like, I feel like I’m scamming people. Like, it feels icky. He was like, Are you scamming me? I was like, No, I’m not. It’s just like, I had always gotten a paycheck and it felt weird to promote and received. Like, the whole thing was strange, right? Um, I don’t know if I answered your question.
Catherine A. Wood 14:55
I mean, I I think that’s such like Got a brilliant concept, like the idea that, you know, the way we’ve been sold to the way we’ve been trained to sell if we’ve gone through training does not necessarily have to be our model. And it can also be a very permit permission giving experience to really take control of your own sales process, and extend invitations or invite people to work with you in a way that is just super aligned or, and feels good in your nervous system.
Anna Rapp 15:34
100% I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Catherine A. Wood 15:38
And I also think that that’s a really big journey to kind of get to that place for yourself as a business owner. I’m curious what that journey was like for you like, what did it really look like?
Anna Rapp 15:52
I think it it was like a lot of trial and error. Right. And I think one of my favorite things that I share with my clients is like reframes for different sales words, like kind of, like I said, instead of using the word selling, we use their invite the word invite, right? Instead of using the word prospects, which can feel kind of like heavy and like dehumanizing, not that it’s like a bad word, right? It’s okay. People use it. But I use the word pre clients, right? Some of them might be a potential client to me, instead of using the word objections, we use the word like hesitations, right? So I think, like, for me, I think I just had to lose a lot of the baggage. And I think the journey was seeing how it like, it was almost like how to how to gather evidence of how good it could be when I noticed, like, I would send a sales email to my list. And like several people, even people who didn’t buy would say, oh, my gosh, this email really impacted me, thank you for sending it right. Or it would be on a sales call with someone and even if they wouldn’t buy from me, they would like make these big shifts and like, have these like changes, right? So I think and realizing like, I can impact people, even in my sales process. And my sales process helps me make money and helps me find a line client. Like it just started feeling like there was more pros than cons all of a sudden.
Catherine A. Wood 17:11
I love how you reframe objections to hesitations. I have lots of coaching colleagues and I was sharing with one of them my abhorrence for the word objection. And she just laughed at me, right? Because she had no necessarily negative connotation with it. I was like, it just feels so masculine and aggressive and confrontational. And that’s absolutely not who I am as a HSP, sensitive Empathic Entrepreneur. Like it totally doesn’t work for me. Yeah. So getting to rewrite the script or rewriting the terms that feels really like, like, delicious. Yeah,
Anna Rapp 17:55
I know, it’s kind of like, it’s just silly in some ways, like, because it’s like the same thing. But it feels different to me, right? Like, it does make it feel differently somehow, right.
Catherine A. Wood 18:06
And that’s everything. You know, I think when we can, we were talking about values alignment before we get on this call. But when we can truly get to a place of building our business and our business processes in alignment with our values, like, that’s when we find and can attract our people.
Anna Rapp 18:26
Yes, it’s so true.
Catherine A. Wood 18:29
Let’s talk about values alignment, what does it look like to run a business in alignment with your values?
Anna Rapp 18:36
I love this question. For me like to when people ask like, what is heart centered mean? That’s your brand. That’s your podcast. Like, for me, it’s like another word for like, value alignment, right? I think and this has to do with sales too, right? When you know what your values are in your life in your business? Period? Right. I think it helps you check everything for congruency. Right. And so for me, like one of my core values is like honesty, and other one is excellence. Right? So really putting everything through that lens of like, as I’m getting visible in my marketing, as I’m selling as I’m serving my clients, am I showing up in a way that matches that? Right? And for me, it helps me prioritize what’s important. And then what’s less important, right? Okay, I want my coaching courses and programs to be excellent, but they’re not going to be perfect, right. So it’s like, what? How can I show up and have alignment in that way?
Catherine A. Wood 19:35
Yeah, I mean, I, I’d say truly, that’s why I launched the podcast, because I was so committed to heart centered women in business, and those who identified as empaths and sensitives to to have examples of other heart centered entrepreneurs who have learned to thrive financially and and otherwise because they think As empaths and we can often be so practiced in giving and being generous, but opening ourselves up to receive opening ourselves up to receive financially. And abundantly is that is a transformation. Hmm. So that is that’s like values alignment for sure. And normalizing that that’s okay, that we can that we, that we get to earn a thriving income.
Anna Rapp 20:33
Yeah. It’s so true. I think, like, especially, like you said, it’s so easy to like, receive or to give and to help, right. But it is this other piece of like, receiving support money, right, like really believing that we’re worthy of that, and that we can keep our values, we can keep our alignment, and we don’t have to change who we are necessarily, in order to expand in our abundance and happiness, right.
Catherine A. Wood 21:04
I think another part of that journey is not taking on people’s projections when they can’t be with that. So you know, what I mean by that is, I think, as we as empaths, we sense other people’s insecurities, or lack of healing around their own money work. So I, I think that, you know, surrounding yourself with other like minded entrepreneurs who are doing their own work, and normalizing thriving and normalizing normalizing Success and Support and boundaries is such a great way to, to kind of feel, I mean, coming back to your word to feel safer in, like, embodying that and integrating it.
Anna Rapp 22:06
I love that, I think to like, probably even like the listeners of this podcast, right? As they’re listening to you, like, You’re that expander for them, right? I’ve seen like, oh, there’s someone like me, that is embodying success and wealth, right? That looks like me, that feels like me that is sensitive and empathic. Like, if Catherine can do it, I can like, I don’t think it is so important to see. Other women who are similar to us succeeding are a little further along in our journeys, right? Because I think it does show us there’s a version of us, that is possible.
Catherine A. Wood 22:40
Yeah. And the values aligned version of us, you know, like, I had a lot of people who didn’t look and act and talk like me, when I started my business. They were, you know, much more, I say masculine energy, right. Like, I think I bring up feminine energy, but just kind of a lot of masculine energy. That’s so not how I operate or even show up in coaching calls or in group calls, you know, like, I bring so much more of a welcoming perspective than kind of authoritative presence. So I think surrounding ourselves with people who run businesses in that values aligned way is I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s so important. Yes. And it feels like you’ve really done that in your business. Like, I think that yeah, I really just appreciate the way in which you are self revealing on social media like you. Journey. No, I think it’s great. No, I mean, coming back to that, like that, as coaches we get to be less boundaries, we can be a little bit more loud with our juries. Yes. What was that experience like for you in giving yourself permission to be more out loud?
Anna Rapp 24:11
So fascinating, right? Because like you exactly like you said, it was so weird. Like, I remember as a therapist, literally, you would laugh at the things I Googled as a therapist, like number one, like, Am I allowed to coach is it ethical to coach because I feel like in the theater, like you go to school, and you write papers, and you get your master’s and you’re taking exams and you’re regulated and like, necessarily, right important that it is, but just going to that I’m like, You mean I can just like hang my shingle and like be a coach and like, collect money like, who’s gonna who’s watching me who’s examining me who’s like, but like a wild west, to be honest, you know what I mean? So I’m googling like, is coaching at the call, you know, so it just felt like this, like a whole world like my therapy clients. didn’t know anything about my Personal life, right. And then I realized, like, coaching is just such a 180. And not that all coaches have to share their personal life because I think it’s just a very personal decision. What feels aligned for you totally. Um, but I, it felt like a lot of congruency to be able to share my story not really, in real time, most of my content I write, and then like, I sit on it for four months. And then I love to come to the world for my own, like healing and you know, therapy. But it’s been a very healing for me to write and share my story, and I think healing for my audience, to see, you know, for them that have different commonalities with me, whether it’s my love for social dancing, right? Or my love, or I have two kids that I’m obsessed with. They’re my whole world, you know, or whether it’s the fact that I got divorced, or like, I think, like, I share my story for my healing. And also, to I just say, like, if it can help one person, that’s enough, you know? Yeah, how about you?
Catherine A. Wood 26:02
I totally agree, like I, a lot of my journey has been about healing from workaholism. And truly embodying, doing less, and allowing that to be okay, and finding other ways of finding balance and success and, and, you know, D collapse or, and collapsing my worth with my achievements. And it’s been a journey and, and every time I share a little bit more about my experience, and it feels like, I hear more and more people in my own world sometimes, you know, close people, to me talking about how they want that. And I’m like, That’s amazing, you know, like, even if my words didn’t make a difference for them, right. But it normalized that they could talk about it, or perhaps it just welcomed their own. Experience, their own opinions, their own unique desires, separate from what was modeled for them or separate from what they and I learned.
Anna Rapp 27:15
I agree. I think stories are so powerful. I mean, I even think about like, what I follow other like, I love to hear stories, like, just stories Captivate us, you know?
Catherine A. Wood 27:26
Yeah, absolutely. Well, I’m curious, like, speaking of stories, like I, I think that one thing that my audience is always really inspired by are people’s stories from, from a day job to full time entrepreneurship. So I’d love for you to share what that journey was like for you and your story, because I think that it’s such an inspiring story for anyone who’s made that transition.
Anna Rapp 28:01
Well, as all inspiring stories go, it didn’t feel very inspiring in the moment grew, but essentially, I, yeah, I transitioned during my pregnancy. So that my coaching practice in three months, and I was able to quit my job. And I wouldn’t have done it honestly, without the support of, I just like, you know, there’s some things in life that you in some ways, decisions can be hard for me in some ways. I’m like, slower and but there’s been a few moments in my life, where I just somehow had the intuitive nudge and courage to just go for it. Moving back to San Diego was one of those. Another one was building my coaching business. I remember telling I hired my coach, I wasn’t really making money at the time, I heard my business coach Lacey. I’ve been working with her now forever. And I told her, I don’t really know what my coaching practice is going to look like. I don’t know quite what I’m gonna do. I don’t know how long it’s gonna take, but I know I’m gonna figure it out. I know, I’m going to be successful. And I think like that certainty gave me a lot of inertia through three months of really hard stuff. People say no to me, me, like, looking silly online. Like it just like when you have that grounded, kind of like you were saying that book worthy, right? Like, when you feel certain in your heart that you’re going to figure out that you can weather the storms when you’re you just put your ego out the door. It makes the ups and downs easier because then when things go awry, you’re not like, oh, maybe that’s a sign. I’m not supposed to do it. Right. Like, I think coming in with that my favorite affirmation around this is my success is inevitable. And I think like I really locked into that and that’s what helped me in 90 days, take a lot of brave action and like be okay with being humiliated online, you know, I mean, no one humiliated me it just, you know, being visible and like that, like all of that is just kind of a whirlwind right now.
Catherine A. Wood 30:00
Well, I want to acknowledge you because three months feels like a wildly short time horizon. To go from idea to implementation.
Anna Rapp 30:10
If I didn’t have a ticking time bomb in my belly, aka my daughter, yes, where it would have taken me five years, because like, there’s no, I just like to be more methodical and life and mindful. But like, it really was a nice little urgency, right?
Catherine A. Wood 30:25
Sure, for sure. I have a distinction about this. Like I say that there’s two types of change agents, there’s bridge burners and bridge builders, like, you occur like the textbook bridge burners, someone who sees something they want for themselves on the other side of the bridge, and then they leap up over the bridge and burn the planks up after them. So they like have to make it work.
Anna Rapp 30:49
Well, kind of except for, I mean, kind of, but I did tell myself, like, if I could do it, I quit my job. If I couldn’t fill my practice, I wasn’t going to quit my job. So I hadn’t quit my job yet. Yeah.
Catherine A. Wood 31:01
Well, I, I fall in the other camp, like I call myself a bridge builder, where I see something that I want for myself on the other side of the bridge, and then I slowly and safely lay the plank so that I can relatively painlessly walk from one side to the other. That pros and cons of both ways of being time, time is a big one, right? Your time horizon was three months, my journey was like a little shy of two years. But you know, everyone has has to find their own path their own, their own way.
Anna Rapp 31:37
I love that example. And I love that like, like, neither is wrong. Like you said, like you like a totally like knowing yourself, like, Are you the type of person that can like jump and the parachute will appear? Or like I always say, like, if that’s gonna paralyze you don’t do it. You know, like, just knowing yourself.
Catherine A. Wood 31:53
Yeah, I mean, knowing yourself is so important. Like, I had a lot of colleagues who transition to full time entrepreneurship a lot quicker than I and the lack of kind of resources and safety was truly what lit a fire under their belly to get into action. But for me, that would have paralyzed me.
Anna Rapp 32:14
Yeah. Yes. I love that. You’re saying that and so important for people to hear that I think there’s so much like blanket business advice, right. But to really hear that it’s both are successful, whether it’s three months or two years, or like, there’s no right or wrong in there.
Catherine A. Wood 32:31
And I mean, I appreciate that about your work that truly coaching to values alignment allows people to connect with their values, their own way of doing things and then build a business that works for them. Exactly. That there’s no textbook approach.
Anna Rapp 32:50
Nope. There was sometimes we wish there was right. Yeah, it reminds me of something my, one of my clients said. And it’s so ironic because when we’re having a day job, we like want a boss to stop bossing us around. But then when we’re an entrepreneur, we’re like, I wish I had a boss to tell me what to do. And like, give me the directions, right? There’s trade offs either way,
Catherine A. Wood 33:10
for sure, for sure. Well, as we wrap up, you know, this podcast is really about supporting and past in thriving because I believe that if more entrepreneurs who cared deeply about themselves, others and the world around them knew how to thrive that we could truly transform the world of business. So what has supported you and becoming a prosperous empath?
Anna Rapp 33:38
Oh my gosh, okay, I’m gonna answer the question. But first, I just want to say that was such a good affirmation for empaths. Right, like, just that sentence, you said, if we believed that, right, it’s safe for me as an impact to like, this isn’t like a bad like, this is my superpower to like, impact the world, right? I would say that, like, what’s helped me most in being heart centered in being empathic and succeeding has just been like, getting all the support all the time, right, so like, I’m a single mom, so like getting over my guilt and shame around like hiring babysitters, like getting over guilt around hiring a laundry service, having a business coach and a therapist like basically at all times. Like I’m one of the most supportive humans I know. And I think like we think that we have to do all of this alone. But I think you know, when I am feeling resource and supported then I have more time to nurture myself and have my quiet time and care for myself, even while having two littles so just say like, that’s what’s helped me the most
Catherine A. Wood 34:44
huge support is so foundational. And I thank you so much for being on the podcast today. It’s been such a pleasure having you and getting to know you.
Anna Rapp 34:52
I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for I just love even the way you approach asking questions and interviewing. It’s just been a delight to be on the show.
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Trusting the Transition: When the Next Step Feels Uncertain but Right
In my work, I have found that it is particularly hard for empathpreneurs to embrace change, to close their businesses, to open new ones, to chart new courses in their careers, to change directions, to end business partnerships, and more. So I wanted to record this episode on embracing change because I think so many of us are in a period of change right now—which as a heart-centered entrepreneur isn’t always easy because we are emotionally invested and care so deeply. But it’s okay to allow our businesses and ideas to evolve as we do. Listen in to learn how to trust yourself in order to lean into transition with more confidence.
Visit this episode’s show notes page here.
The Prosperous Empath® Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.