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NYC Executive Coaching Services

Catherine Wood, MBA, Boston area Master Certified Coach

Catherine Wood, Unbounded Potential Founder, Master Certified Coach

Are you an empathic entrepreneur or sensitive and successful professional in New York facing a crossroads in your life and you’re feeling like you could really use a professional, unbiased resource to help make sense of what you want with a clear way to get there? Perhaps you’ve won the awards, gotten the promotions, climbed the ladders and you’re left with an emptiness wondering “where do I go from here?”. Or perhaps you were once passionate about your business, have put in the blood, sweat, and tears to grow it to where it is today, and you’re feeling burnt out and ready for a change but you’re not quite sure what. Maybe you know what you want, but you’re feeling like you just can’t quite get there and you’re overwhelmed with all of the resources, ebooks, and courses that make promises that sound too good to be true. Or maybe you’re simply recalibrating your priorities as you prepare for a personal or career transition and want your life to feel more in alignment with your values. Whatever your situation, we know how to help because we’ve been there.

At Unbounded Potential, we’re proud to offer executive coaching services to NYC leaders and entrepreneurs looking to reconnect with their purpose and approach life and business from a place of holistic success. Our team of compassionate, credentialed New York area executive coaches are here to help you feel seen and supported while offering actionable insights to help you build a life that truly feels like YOU.

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What to expect when you work with one of our NYC executive coaches

If you’re considering hiring an executive coach, congratulations! You’re about to take the next step toward building an expansive life with the one-on-one support of a coach who truly understands where you’re coming from and where you’d like to be. When you schedule your initial consultation, we’ll spend our first call getting to know you and establishing what’s shifting in your life that’s prompting the desire for coaching and what you’re hoping to achieve with our time together.

From there, you’ll be paired with the best executive coach to match your background, interests, and goals. You and your coach will meet virtually to help you get crystal clear on your purpose, establish what a successful and embodied life looks like to you, and plan the steps necessary to get there–with your coach cheering you on and holding you accountable the whole way. Through proven exercises, recommended reading, and heartfelt discussion, your executive coaching sessions will leave you with actionable next steps every time, empowering you to move forward between sessions and generate measurable progress.

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What makes our NYC executive coaching team unique?

We know what it’s like to be executive leaders and entrepreneurs in New York first-hand, with our founder, Catherine, having lived in New York for years and worked directly in the areas that our clients are working in. Our team understands the unique issues that NYC leaders face and has connections to the professionals and resources necessary for running a thriving business in New York. Whether you’re looking for New York career advancement strategies, want to take advantage of New York’s incredible cultural and educational institutions, or find ways to grow your business and reach more clients in the area, our team is here to support you and uniquely positioned to help you thrive in New York City and beyond.


Is executive coaching right for you?

Unbounded Potential executive coaches go beyond simple business coaching or life coaching. We truly care about what success uniquely means to you and are ready to help you take the steps to get you there. Executive coaching with Unbounded Potential may be right for you if you:

  • Are a high-impact leader ready to take the next steps in your career
  • Are an established business owner looking to take your entrepreneurial vision to the next level but feel stuck
  • Are a senior-level executive looking to pivot to heart-centered entrepreneurship
  • Feel like you’re ‘checking all of the boxes’ in a high-impact career but are feeling like something is missing
  • Are feeling burnt out from a senior leadership role and ready for a change but you’re not sure what that looks like
  • Feel disconnected from your heart in your work or business and want to find a way toward a more fulfilling, meaningful career
  • Desire to make bigger impact with your life’s work from a global perspective, not just an individual perspective
  • Are an empathic entrepreneur navigating the high-pressure business world as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

Does this sound like you?

Let’s talk!


What are the benefits of working with an executive coach in New York City?

Enjoy NYC executive coaching with a view like this NY city streetWhen you work with an NYC executive coach, you reap incredible benefits over working with a regular life coach or business coach who has no experience working and living in New York. You’ll not only gain clarity and strategy around your goals, but you’ll enjoy other key benefits that may include things like:

  • Career abundance and increased wealth – from negotiating raises and job offers to brainstorming new revenue streams for your own business, to coming up with ideas for a brand new business, your executive coach can help you reach beyond what you previously thought was possible and surprise yourself with the results.
  • Groundedness and a sense of “coming home to yourself” – getting super aligned with your goals and values with the expert discussion prompts and proven exercises facilitated by an executive coach can unlock doors to a profound amount of self-discovery
  • More time – Getting clear on what’s truly important to you allows you to identify areas of your life where you can delegate, streamline processes, or let go of obstacles in order to reclaim more hours in the day for what serves your highest good
  • Global impact – working with an executive coach helps unlock your unbounded potential, enabling you to reach for and achieve goals and dreams beyond your current self-imposed limitations. It sounds cliche, but working with an executive coach can truly change the world!


Executive Coaching in DC and Beyond

If you’ve read this far, chances are you’re feeling like it might be time to take the leap toward a more empowered future with the help of an experienced, certified executive coach. Why not schedule a free consultation to talk with one of our coaches and see what might be possible? We’d love to meet you and help you take the next steps toward a life that meets your unbounded potential.

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